All Classes and Interfaces

Partial default implementation of tear-off class, for convenience of derived classes.
Entry point for web applications.
Represents the Accept HTTP header and help server choose the right media type to serve.
Media range plus parameters and extensions
Information about ancestor of the "it" node.
Indicates that this parameter is injected by evaluating StaplerRequest.findAncestorObject(Class) with the parameter type.
Handles stapler parameter annotations by determining what values to inject for a method call.
Buffered FileWriter that uses UTF-8.
Type-safe attribute accessor.
Intercepts (and receives callbacks) about the JSON → object binding process.
Handles to the object bound via BoundObjectTable.
Objects exported and bound by JavaScript proxies.
Per-session table that remembers all the bound instances.
ByteArrayOutputStream re-implementation.
Convenient base class for caching loaded scripts.
Signals that the request dispatching to the current method is cancelled, and that Stapler should resume the search for the next request dispatcher and dispatch the request accordingly.
This "hidden" annotation is injected by Groovy compiler to capture parameter names in the class file.
Groovy AST transformation that capture necessary parameter names.
Writer that spools the output and writes to another Writer later.
Setting that controls how the '_class' attribute will be produced in the output.
Reflection information of a Class.
Customizes how the property retrieval is handled.
Provides a type-safe access to the configuration of the application.
Generates a nonce value that allows us to protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
Interface that an exposed bean can implement, to do the equivalent of writeReplace in Java serialization.
Designates the constructor to be created from methods like StaplerRequest.bindJSON(Class, JSONObject) and StaplerRequest.bindParameters(Class, String).
For data-bound class (that has a constructor marked with DataBoundConstructor, the DataBoundResolvable.bindResolve(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) allows an instance to replace the object bound from submitted JSON object.
Designates a setter method or a field used to databind JSON values into objects in methods like StaplerRequest.bindJSON(Class, JSONObject) and StaplerRequest.bindParameters(Class, String).
Receives the event callback on the model data to be exposed.
Restricts a WebMethod to a specific HTTP method 'DELETE'.
Filter that sets the thread name to reflect the current request being processed.
Controls the dispatching of incoming HTTP requests.
Registered inside WebApp.setDispatchersFilter(DispatchersFilter) and then used after the creation of the dispatchers for a MetaClass in order to add / remove / edit the dispatchers that are created.
Validates dispatch requests.
Root class of the stapler error objects.
Remembers the Stapler.invoke(RequestImpl, ResponseImpl, Object) evaluation traces.
Controls the output behaviour.
Mark the field or the getter method whose value gets exposed to the remote API.
Indicates that the class has Exported annotations on its properties to indicate which properties are written as values to the remote XML/JSON API.
Allows caller to intercept exporting of properties.
Aspect of stapler that brings in an optional language binding.
Fields of Klass.
FieldRef filter as a convenience class.
This class represents a file or form item that was received within a multipart/form-data POST request.
This class provides support for accessing the headers for a file or form item that was received within a multipart/form-data POST request.
Listens to filtered dispatch events from DispatchValidator.
Listener that is triggered when a doAction function - that is no more accepted - is called.
Listener that is triggered when a getter function - that is no more accepted - is called.
Export flavor.
Function that forwards calls to another.
HttpResponse that forwards to a RequestDispatcher, such as a view.
Abstracts the difference between normal instance methods and static duck-typed methods.
Normal instance methods.
Immutable list of Functions.
Restricts a WebMethod to a specific HTTP method 'GET'.
Indicates that this parameter is bound from HTTP header.
Marks the object that can handle HTTP DELETE.
Dispatcher that processes HttpDeletable
HttpResponse that dose HTTP 302 redirect.
Object that represents the HTTP response, which is defined as a capability to produce the response.
Pluggable interface that takes the return value from request handling methods and convert that to HTTP responses.
Factory for HttpResponse.
Restricts the routing to matching HTTP verbs.
Used on annotations to indicate that it signals a parameter injection in web-bound "doXyz" methods.
Intercepts the domain method call from Stapler.
Marks the annotation as an interceptor annotation, which executes before/after the method invocation of domain objects happen as a part of the request processing.
This exception is thrown in case of an invalid file name.
Indicates that the method is exposed to client-side JavaScript proxies and is callable as a method from them.
Function.contextualize(Object) parameter that indicates the function is called to serve JavaScript method invocation from a proxy.
Binds the body payload into POJO via json-lib.
JSONObject as a response.
Customize / sanitize the JSON before putting it in the stack trace / error messages.
Annotation for filtering the JSON data returned from a JavaScriptMethod annotated method.
Json Property filter for handling the include and exclude.
Used for web methods that return POJO that should be sent across as JSON.
Objects can implement this interface to designate its own Klass.
Abstraction of class-like object, agnostic to languages.
Strategy pattern to provide navigation across class-like objects in other languages of JVM.
Represents a large text data.
Declares that methods are only available for requests that have the specified role(s).
Finds the lone LF and converts that to CR+LF.
Service provider interface allowing to hook into webapp resource lookup.
Created one instance each for a Klass, that retains some useful cache about a class and its views.
The stapler version of the ClassLoader object, that retains some useful cache about a class loader.
Implementation detail in Stapler.
MethodRef filter as a convenience class.
Writes all the property of one ExportedBean to DataWriter.
Creates and maintains Models, that are used to write out the value representation of exposed beans.
Tree pruner which operates according to a textual description of what tree leaves should be included.
Model object used to display the error top page if we couldn't create the home directory.
Signals an error that the class didn't have ExportedBean.
Restricts a WebMethod to a specific HTTP method 'POST'.
Restricts a WebMethod to a specific HTTP method 'PUT'.
Indicates that this parameter is injected from HTTP query parameter.
Specifies the range in a collection.
Argument to expressions that indicates this value is raw HTML and therefore should not be further escaped.
StaplerRequest implementation.
Requires the request to be a POST.
Allows customizing the error page shown when an annotated method is called with the wrong HTTP method.
Used on the web-bound doXyz method to indicate that the successful return of the method should result in HTTP 200 Success status.
StaplerResponse implementation.
Generates XML Schema that describes the XML representation of exported beans.
Execution strategy for handling views written in other scripting languages.
No longer used.
Single linked list which allows sharing of the suffix.
Determines when interception happens.
Maps an HTTP request to a method call / JSP invocation against a model object by evaluating the request URL in a EL-ish way.
An object can fall back to another object for a part of its UI processing, by implementing this interface and designating another object from StaplerFallback.getStaplerFallback().
A web-bound object can implement this interface to allow designated objects to selectively override URL mappings.
If an object delegates all its UI processing to another object, it can implement this interface and return the designated object from the StaplerProxy.getTarget() method.
Defines additional parameters/operations made available by Stapler.
Defines additional operations made available by Stapler.
A basic wrapper for a StaplerResponse, e.g.
Binds the submitted form to a parameter of a web-bound method.
Allows "tear-off" objects to be linked to the parent object.
Tokenized path portion of the URL.
Function.contextualize(Object) parameter that indicates the function is called to traverse an object graph.
Controls the portion of the object graph to be written to DataWriter.
Type arithmetic code.
Handles an exception caught by UncaughtExceptionFilter.
Object scoped to the entire webapp.
Indicates that the method is bound to HTTP and used to serve the HTTP request.
Function.contextualize(Object) parameter that indicates the function is called to serve request, such as doFoo(...) or doIndex(...)
Marker interface for objects that have known URLs.
OutputStream that writes to Writer by assuming the platform default encoding.
TXW interfaces to generate schema.