Class AbstractTearOff<CLT,S,E extends Exception>

Type Parameters:
CLT - ClassLoader tear-off.

public abstract class AbstractTearOff<CLT,S,E extends Exception> extends CachingScriptLoader<S,E>
Partial default implementation of tear-off class, for convenience of derived classes.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

    • owner

      protected final MetaClass owner
    • classLoader

      protected final CLT classLoader
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getWebApp

      protected final WebApp getWebApp()
    • getDefaultScriptExtension

      protected abstract String getDefaultScriptExtension()
      The file extension of this kind of scripts, such as ".jelly"
    • hasAllowedExtension

      protected boolean hasAllowedExtension(String name)
      Checks if the file name is allowed as a script of this type. This is necessary to have multiple facets co-exist peacefully without them trying to load each other's scripts.
    • resolveScript

      public S resolveScript(String name) throws E
      Loads the script just from the target class without considering inherited scripts from its base types.
      E extends Exception
    • loadScript

      protected final S loadScript(String name) throws E
      Description copied from class: CachingScriptLoader
      Cache-less version of the CachingScriptLoader.findScript(String) that provides the actual logic.
      Specified by:
      loadScript in class CachingScriptLoader<S,E extends Exception>
      E extends Exception
    • parseScript

      protected abstract S parseScript(URL res) throws E
      Compiles a script into the compiled form.
      E extends Exception
    • getResource

      protected URL getResource(String name)
      Specified by:
      getResource in class CachingScriptLoader<S,E extends Exception>