Interface StaplerProxy

public interface StaplerProxy
If an object delegates all its UI processing to another object, it can implement this interface and return the designated object from the getTarget() method.

Compared to StaplerFallback, stapler handles this interface at the very beginning, whereas StaplerFallback is handled at the very end.

By returning this from the getTarget() method, StaplerProxy can be also used just as an interception hook (for example to perform authorization.)

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the object that is responsible for processing web requests.
  • Method Details

    • getTarget

      Object getTarget()
      Returns the object that is responsible for processing web requests.
      If null is returned, it generates 404. If this object is returned, no further StaplerProxy look-up is done and this object processes the request.