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addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Adds extra metadata about the overall organization.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.ProjectObserver
Adds extra metadata about a specific project.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Adds extra metadata about the overall organization.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NoOpProjectObserver
Adds extra metadata about a specific project.
addSource(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.ProjectObserver
Adds a source repository to be used from a new project.
addSource(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NoOpProjectObserver
Adds a source repository to be used from a new project.
addUncategorizedIfMissing(List<SCMHeadCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
Ensures that the supplied list of categories includes the UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory.
addUncategorizedIfMissing(List<SCMSourceCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
Ensures that the supplied list of categories includes the UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory.
afterSave() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Callback from the SCMSourceOwner after the SCMSourceOwner has been saved.
afterSave(SCMNavigatorOwner) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Callback from the SCMNavigatorOwner after the SCMNavigatorOwner has been saved.
afterSave(SCMTriggerItem) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCM2
Callback from the SCMTriggerItem after the SCMTriggerItem has been saved.
all() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwners
Lookup the SCMNavigatorOwners.
all() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwners
Lookup the SCMSourceOwners.
all() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Returns a list of all SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor instances.
all() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Returns all the SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor instances.
all() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Returns all the SCMSourceTraitDescriptor instances.
AllFinished(Iterable<SCMHeadObserver>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished
AllFinished(SCMHeadObserver...) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished
allOf(SCMHeadObserver...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Wraps multiple observers returning a combined observer that remains observing as long as at least one of the wrapped observers is still observing.
allOf(NamedArrayList.Predicate<? super E>...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Combines NamedArrayList.Predicate instances using a boolean short-circuit logical AND.
any() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that selects the first revision it finds.
Any() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Any
anyOf(NamedArrayList.Predicate<E>...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Combines NamedArrayList.Predicate instances using a boolean short-circuit logical OR.
applyTo(SCMSourceBuilder<?, ?>, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceDecorator
Applies this decorator to the specified SCMSourceBuilder for the supplied project name.
applyToBuilder(SCMBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Applies this trait to the SCMBuilder.
applyToBuilder(SCMSourceBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Applies this trait to the SCMBuilder.
applyToContext(SCMNavigatorContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Applies this trait to the SCMNavigatorContext.
applyToContext(SCMSourceContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Applies this trait to the SCMSourceContext.
applyToObserver(SCMHeadObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Applies this trait to an observer for use during a SCMSourceRequest.
applyToObserver(SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Applies this trait to an observer for use during a SCMNavigatorRequest.
asCauses() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
If this event is being used to trigger a build, what - if any - Causes should be added to the triggered build.
asSetList(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTrait
Converts the supplied list of SCMTrait instances into a list where there is at most one instance of each trait.
asSetList(T, Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTrait
Converts the supplied instance and list of SCMTrait instances into a list where there is at most one instance of each trait.
authorities() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMHeadAuthority instances that can define trust.
AvatarCache - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.avatars
An avatar cache that will serve URLs that have been recently registered through AvatarCache.buildUrl(String, String).
AvatarCache() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
avatarIconClassNameImageOf(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
Helper method to resolve the icon image url.
AvatarImage - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.avatars
Holds Image and lastModified date
AvatarImage(BufferedImage, long) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImage
AvatarImageSource - Interface in jenkins.scm.impl.avatars
Interface for Avatar Cache Item Source
AvatarMetadataAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api.metadata
Holds metadata about an avatar to be associated with a SCMSource or SCMNavigator (also valid for SCMRevision and SCMHead, but would be considered unusual).
AvatarMetadataAction() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction


build() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Instantiates the SCM.
build() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Instantiates the SCMSource.
build(Item, SCM, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Given a SCM this should try to build a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content at the specified SCMRevision.
build(Item, SCM, SCMRevision, Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Given a SCM this should try to build a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content at the specified SCMRevision.
build(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Builds a SCM instance for the specified head.
build(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Builds a SCM instance for the specified head and revision, no validation of the head is performed, a revision for a different head or source will be treated as equivalent to a null revision.
build(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NullSCMSource
Builds a SCM instance for the specified head and revision, no validation of the head is performed, a revision for a different head or source will be treated as equivalent to a null revision.
build(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
Builds a SCM instance for the specified head and revision, no validation of the head is performed, a revision for a different head or source will be treated as equivalent to a null revision.
build(SCMSource, SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Given a SCMSource, a SCMHead and a SCMRevision this method should try to build a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content of the specified SCMHead at the specified SCMRevision.
Builder() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
buildUrl(String, String) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
Builds the URL for the cached avatar image of the required size.
buildUrl(AvatarImageSource, String) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
Builds the URL for the cached avatar image of the required size.


cachedResizedImageOf(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
Helper method to resolve an external image, cache it and resize it to the specified size.
canFetch() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImageSource
Make sure we can fetch
canFetch() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.UrlAvatarCacheSource
CHeck if we can fetch.
canProbe() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Tests if this SCMSource can instantiate a SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
categories - Variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
The set of SCMSourceCategory singletons for this type of SCMNavigator
categories - Variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
The set of SCMHeadCategory singletons for this type of SCMSource
ChangeRequestAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api.actions
ChangeRequestAction() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
ChangeRequestCheckoutStrategy - Enum Class in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
The various strategies that can be used when checking out a change request.
ChangeRequestSCMHead - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
Mixin interface to identify SCMHead instances that correspond to a change request.
ChangeRequestSCMHead2 - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
Additional attributes of a ChangeRequestSCMHead that should have been in the original mixin but we are not targeting Java 8 so we cannot add the default methods to the interface and must have an ugly 2 class instead.
ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Standard category for SCMHead instances that implement ChangeRequestSCMHead.
ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory
Constructs a ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory with customized naming.
ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Change requests.
ChangeRequestSCMRevision<H extends SCMHead & ChangeRequestSCMHead> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
Recommended base class for the SCMRevision of a ChangeRequestSCMHead.
ChangeRequestSCMRevision(H, SCMRevision) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
changesSince(SCMRevision, OutputStream) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Writes the changes between the specified revision and SCMFileSystem.getRevision() in the format compatible with the SCM from this SCMFileSystem.of(Item, SCM) to the supplied OutputStream.
checkInterrupt() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Checks the Thread.interrupted() and throws an InterruptedException if it was set.
checkInterrupt() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Checks the Thread.interrupted() and throws an InterruptedException if it was set.
checkTrusted(S, H) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
SPI: checks if the supplied SCMHead is trusted in the context of the supplied SCMSourceRequest.
checkTrusted(S, R) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
SPI: checks if the supplied SCMRevision is trusted in the context of the supplied SCMSourceRequest.
child(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Constructs a child/descendant SCMFile instance path relative from this object.
child(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Short for getRoot().child(path).
children() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
If this object represents a directory, lists up all the immediate children.
close() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
close() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
close() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
closeExecutorService() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Shutdown the timer and throw it away.
collect() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that collects all the heads and revisions.
collect(Iterable<SCMNavigator>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
Iterates SCMNavigator instances collecting the unique list of SCMSourceCategory instances.
collect(Iterable<SCMSource>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
Iterates SCMSource instances collecting the unique list of SCMHeadCategory instances.
collectAndSimplify(Iterable<SCMNavigator>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
Collects the SCMSourceCategory instances from a set of SCMNavigator instances and simplifies the result.
collectAndSimplify(Iterable<SCMSource>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
Collects the SCMHeadCategory instances from a set of SCMSource instances and simplifies the result.
Collector() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Collector
commonDefaultPorts() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMUri
Returns the common default ports.
compareTo(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
complete() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.ProjectObserver
To be called when finished defining one project.
complete() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NoOpProjectObserver
To be called when finished defining one project.
content() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Reads the content of this file.
contentAsBytes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
A convenience method that reads the content and then turns it into a byte array.
contentAsString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
A convenience method that reads the content and then turns it into a string.
contentEncoding() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Encoding of this file.
contentMimeType() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Returns the MIME type of this file.
ContributorMetadataAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api.metadata
Holds metadata about the contributor of a SCMRevision, SCMHead, SCMSource or SCMNavigator.
ContributorMetadataAction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
create() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda
Creates an intermediate representation of the SCMRevision that can be used by SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda and SCMSourceRequest.LazyRevisionLambda to create the SCMSourceCriteria.Probe and SCMRevision respectively.
create(H) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest.RevisionLambda
Creates a SCMRevision for the specified SCMHead.
create(H, I) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest.LazyRevisionLambda
Creates a SCMRevision for the specified SCMHead using the supplied intermediate previously generated by an SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda.
create(H, I) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda
Creates a SCMSourceCriteria.Probe (ideally a SCMProbe) for the specified SCMHead and SCMRevision produced by SCMSourceRequest.RevisionLambda or intermediate produced by SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda
create(String) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest.AttributeLambda
Creates the attributes map for the named project.
create(String) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest.SourceLambda
Creates the SCMSource for the named project.
createCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
Creates the singleton SCMSourceCategory instances that this type of SCMNavigator is capable of producing.
createCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Creates the singleton SCMHeadCategory instances that this type of SCMSource is capable of producing.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Type
Signifies the creation of a new thing: An existing SCMNavigator getting a new SCMSource would trigger a SCMSourceEvent An existing SCMSource getting a new SCMHead would trigger a SCMHeadEvent
createFor(Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SCM2TransientActionFactory
createProbe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Creates a SCMProbe for the specified SCMHead and SCMRevision.
criteria() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of criteria that must be met by a candidate SCMHead.


decorate(B, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceDecorator
SPI: decorate the supplied builder for creation of the named project.
decorateBuilder(SCMBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMBuilder.
decorateBuilder(SCMSourceBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMBuilder.
decorateContext(SCMNavigatorContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMNavigatorContext.
decorateContext(SCMNavigatorContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMNavigatorContext.
decorateContext(SCMNavigatorContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMNavigatorContext.
decorateContext(SCMSourceContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMSourceContext.
decorateContext(SCMSourceContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMSourceContext.
decorateContext(SCMSourceContext<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate a SCMSourceContext.
decorateObserver(SCMHeadObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate the SCMHeadObserver used during a SCMSourceRequest.
decorateObserver(SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
SPI: Override this method to decorate the SCMSourceObserver used during a SCMNavigatorRequest.
decorators() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMSourceDecorator instances to apply to discovered projects.
decorators() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Returns the SCMSourceDecorator instances to apply to SCMSource instances.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin
The default SCMHeadOrigin.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory
The ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory singleton with the default naming.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.TagSCMHeadCategory
The TagSCMHeadCategory singleton with the default naming.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory
The UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory singleton with the default naming.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory
The UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory singleton with the default naming.
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
The default display name.
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
The default display name.
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
The default display name.
defaultListener(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Turns a possibly null TaskListener reference into a guaranteed non-null reference.
defaultListener(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Turns a possibly null TaskListener reference into a guaranteed non-null reference.
description() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Return a description of the event.
descriptionFor(SCM) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCM.
descriptionFor(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCMNavigator.
descriptionFor(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCMNavigator.
descriptionFor(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCMNavigator.
descriptionFor(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCMSource.
descriptionFor(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Return a description of the event in the context of the supplied SCMSource.
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
The SCMFile is a regular directory.
Discovery - Annotation Interface in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Annotation to apply to SCMTraitDescriptor types that are control the initial scope of discovery.
Dispatcher(E) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Dispatcher
doCheckRegex(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
Form validation for the regular expression.
doCheckRegex(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
Form validation for the regular expression.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest2, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
Serves the cached image.


EMPTY - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImage
Singleton for empty image
Enumerator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwners.Enumerator
Enumerator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwners.Enumerator
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Default
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Fork
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
equals(Object) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
equals(SCMHeadMixin, SCMHeadMixin) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.SCMHeadMixin.Equality
equivalent(ChangeRequestSCMRevision<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
Performs an equality comparison as for ChangeRequestSCMRevision.equals(Object) but excludes the ChangeRequestSCMRevision.getTarget() SCMRevision from the comparison (though the ChangeRequestSCMHead.getTarget() will be included as part of the SCMRevision.getHead() comparison.
EventQueueMetrics(ThreadPoolExecutor) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics
executorService() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
The ScheduledExecutorService that events should be fired on.
exists() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Returns true if this object represents something that exists.
exists() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbeStat
exists(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbe
exists(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe


fetch() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImageSource
Fetch image from source
fetch() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.UrlAvatarCacheSource
Fetch image and return along with lastModified
fetch(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches the current list of heads.
fetch(String, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
fetch(String, TaskListener, Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Looks up a specific thingName based on some SCM-specific set of permissible syntaxes.
fetch(SCMHead, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Gets the current head revision of the specified head.
fetch(SCMSourceCriteria, O, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions.
fetch(SCMSourceCriteria, O, SCMHeadEvent<?>, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions scoped against a specific event.
fetch(O, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions.
fetch(O, SCMHeadEvent<?>, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions scoped against a specific event.
fetchActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches any actions that should be persisted for objects related to the specified head.
fetchActions(SCMNavigatorOwner, SCMNavigatorEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Fetches any actions that should be persisted for objects related to the specified owner.
fetchActions(SCMRevision, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches any actions that should be persisted for objects related to the specified revision.
fetchActions(SCMSourceEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Fetches any actions that should be persisted for objects related to the specified source.
fetchRevisions(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
fetchRevisions(TaskListener, Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Looks up suggested revisions that could be passed to SCMSource.fetch(String, TaskListener).
filter(SCMSource, O) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Wraps a SCMHeadObserver such that the wrapped observer will only observe SCMHead instances mentioned in this event.
filter(O, String...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Creates an observer that filters a delegates observer to the specified project names
filter(O, SCMHead...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that filters a delegates observer to the specified heads
Filter(O, String...) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Filter
Filter(O, SCMHead...) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Filter
filters() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMNavigatorRequest dependent filters.
filters() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMSourceRequest dependent filters.
find(Iterable<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTrait
Finds the trait of the required type.
findHead(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead.HeadByItem
Runs all registered implementations.
findSource(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource.SourceByItem
Runs all registered implementations.
fire(SCMEventListener, E) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Dispatcher
fireLater(SCMHeadEvent<?>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Fires the SCMHeadEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances after the specified delay.
fireLater(SCMNavigatorEvent<?>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
Fires the SCMNavigatorEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances after the specified delay.
fireLater(SCMSourceEvent<?>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Fires the SCMSourceEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances after the specified delay.
fireNow(SCMHeadEvent<?>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Fires the SCMHeadEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances.
fireNow(SCMNavigatorEvent<?>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
Fires the SCMNavigatorEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances.
fireNow(SCMSourceEvent<?>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Fires the SCMSourceEvent to all registered SCMEventListener instances.
first(SCMHeadObserver...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Wraps multiple observers returning a combined observer that remains observing until one of the wrapped observers stops observing.
Fork(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Fork
Creates a fork origin instance.
FormTagLib - Interface in jenkins.scm.api
forOwner(Class<? extends SCMSourceOwner>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the list of descriptors that are appropriate for a specified type of owner and SCMSourceDescriptor.isUserInstantiable().
forOwner(Class<? extends SCMSourceOwner>, boolean) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the list of descriptors that are appropriate for a specified type of owner with the additional filter by SCMSourceDescriptor.isUserInstantiable().
forOwner(SCMSourceOwner) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the list of descriptors that are appropriate for a specified owner and SCMSourceDescriptor.isUserInstantiable().
forOwner(SCMSourceOwner, boolean) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the list of descriptors that are appropriate for a specified owner with the additional filter by SCMSourceDescriptor.isUserInstantiable().
fromAlternativePath(String) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbeStat
Creates a SCMProbeStat from an alternative path suggestion.
fromSCMFileSystem(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Helper method for subclasses that have implemented a SCMFileSystem.Builder and want to use a simple non-caching SCMProbe based off of the SCMFileSystem.
fromType(SCMFile.Type) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbeStat
Creates a SCMProbeStat from a SCMFile.Type.
fromUrl(String, String...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMName
Makes best effort to guess a "sensible" display name from the hostname in the URL.
fromUrl(String, List<String>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMName
Makes best effort to guess a "sensible" display name from the hostname in the URL.


getAction(Class<T>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
this was added to the API in error. Retained for backwards binary compatibility only. Use SCMSource.fetchActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) to get the actions associated with a SCMHead
getActiveThreads() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics
getAllActions() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
this was added to the API in error. Retained for backwards binary compatibility only. Use SCMSource.fetchActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) to get the actions associated with a SCMHead
getAlternativePath() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbeStat
If SCMProbeStat.getType()!= SCMFile.Type.NONEXISTENT and there is an alternative name that would match but for case sensitivity or a typo.
getAuthor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getAuthorDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getAuthorEmail() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getAvatarDescription() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
Returns the description to use for the tool tip of the avatar of this object.
getAvatarIconClassName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
Returns the Icon class specification for the avatar of this object
getAvatarImageOf(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
Returns the URL of the avatar of this object in the requested size or null if there is no avatar for this object.
getBuilderClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMSourceBuilder that this SCMNavigatorTrait is applicable to.
getBuilderClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMBuilder that this SCMSourceTrait is applicable to.
getCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Returns the set of SCMSourceCategory that this SCMNavigator supports.
getCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
Returns the set of SCMSourceCategory that this SCMNavigator supports.
getCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Returns the set of SCMHeadCategory that this SCMSource supports.
getCategories() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the set of SCMHeadCategory that this SCMSource supports.
getCategoryId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
No longer used.
getCheckoutStrategy() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2
getCompletedTasks() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics
getContext() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Indicates who is asking for sources.
getContext() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Indicates who is asking for sources.
getContextClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMNavigatorContext that this SCMNavigatorTrait is applicable to.
getContextClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMSourceContext that this SCMSourceTrait is applicable to.
getContributor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
Username of author of the proposed change.
getContributorDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
Human name of author of proposed change.
getContributorEmail() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
Email address of author of proposed change.
getCriteria() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Returns the branch criteria.
getCriteria() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Returns the SCMSourceCriteria being used for this request.
getDate() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Gets the timestamp of the event as a Date.
getDescription() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
No longer used.
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTrait
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Get the term used in the UI to represent a collection of things in this kind of SCMCategory.
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl
getEventProcessingMetrics() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
getExcludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait
Returns the exclude rules.
getExcludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait
Returns the exclude rules.
getHead() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
Returns the SCMHead that this SCMRevision belongs to.
getHead(Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead.HeadByItem
Checks whether a given item corresponds to a particular SCM head.
getIconClassName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
Get the Item's Icon class specification e.g.
getIconClassName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Used to categorize this kind of SCMSource
getIconFileName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
getIconFilePathPattern() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
No longer used.
getId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getId() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead
Identifier of this change request.
getId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Returns the ID of the thing being navigated.
getId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
The ID of this source.
getId() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImageSource
Get unique hash key for this item to be used for caching
getId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.UrlAvatarCacheSource
Generate hash key used for caching
getId(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Return or generate the ID for a source instance.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Filter
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Selector
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped
Returns the subset of SCMHead instances that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all SCMHead instances.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Filter
Returns the subset of "project" names that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all "project" names.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Returns the subset of "project" names that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all "project" names.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Returns the subset of "project" names that this observer is interested in or null if interested in all "project" names.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait
Returns the include rules.
getIncludes() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait
Returns the include rules.
getItemActions(SCMTriggerItem) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCM2
Actions to be displayed in the SCMTriggerItem page.
getListener() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Provides a way of reporting progress.
getListener() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Provides a way of reporting progress.
getName() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.SCMHeadMixin
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Gets the url path component to use when building URLs from categories.
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Gets the file name of this file without any path portion, such as just "foo.txt"
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Fork
Gets the name of this fork.
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Gets the associate name.
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator
getName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
getNavigatorClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMNavigator that this SCMNavigatorTrait is applicable to.
getObjectDescription() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
Returns the description of the object or null.
getObjectDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
Returns the display name of the object or null.
getObjectUrl() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
Returns the external url of the object or null if the object does not have an external url.
getOrigin() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.SCMHeadMixin
Returns the origin of the head.
getOrigin() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Gets the origin of the event, e.g.
getOrigin() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
Returns the origin of the head.
getOriginName() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2
Returns the name of the actual head on the source control system which may or may not be different from SCMHeadMixin.getName().
getOwner() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Gets the owner.
getPath() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Gets the file name including the path portion, such as "foo/bar/manchu.txt".
getPayload() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Gets the provider specific event payload.
getPoolSize() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics
getPronoun() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
Get the term used in the UI to represent this kind of SCMHead.
getPronoun() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Get the term used in the UI to represent this kind of SCMNavigator.
getPronoun() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
Get the term used in the UI to represent this kind of SCMNavigator.
getPronoun() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Get the term used in the UI to represent this kind of SCMSource.
getPronoun() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Get the term used in the UI to represent this kind of SCMSource.
getQueuedTasks() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics
getRegex() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait
Gets the regular expression.
getRegex() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait
Gets the regular expression.
getRevision() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
If this inspector is looking at the specific commit, returns that revision.
getRevision() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Any
Returns the result.
getRevision() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
Gets the SCMRevision.
getRevision(Actionable) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
getRevision(SCMSource, Actionable) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
Gets the SCMRevision for the specified SCMSource from the specified Actionable.
getRoot() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Returns the SCMFile object that represents the root directory of the repository.
getRoot() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
Returns the SCMFile of the root of this head candidate if such deep introspection can be cheaply provided by the version control system in question.
getScm() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
getScmClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCM that this SCMTrait is applicable to.
getSCMDescriptors(SCMSourceOwner) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource.DescriptorImpl
Returns the SCMDescriptor instances that are appropriate for the current context.
getSCMHeadClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Gets the SCMHead that the migration applies to.
getSCMNavigators() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwner
Returns the SCMNavigator instances that this item is consuming.
getSCMRevisionClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Gets the SCMRevision that the migration applies to.
getSCMSource(String) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwner
Gets the source with the specified SCMSource.getId().
getSCMSourceClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Gets the SCMSource that the migration applies to.
getSCMSourceCriteria(SCMSource) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwner
Returns the criteria for determining if a candidate head is relevant for consumption.
getSCMSources() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwner
Returns the SCMSource instances that this item is consuming.
getSource(Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource.SourceByItem
Checks whether a given item corresponds to a particular SCMSource.
getSourceClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMSource that this SCMNavigatorTrait is applicable to.
getSourceClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Returns the type of SCMSource that this SCMSourceTrait is applicable to.
getSourceId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
Gets the SCMSource.getId() that the revision was created for.
getSourceName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Returns the name of the SCMSource, such as a repository name within an organization; may be used as an Item.getName().
getSourceName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Returns the name of the SCMSource, such as a repository name within an organization; may be used as an Item.getName().
getSources() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator
getTarget() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getTarget() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead
Branch to which this change would be merged or applied if it were accepted.
getTarget() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
Returns the revision of the ChangeRequestSCMHead.getTarget() that this ChangeRequestSCMHead is associated with.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.mixin.TagSCMHead
Returns the timestamp of the tag.
getTimestamp() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Gets the timestamp of the event (see System.currentTimeMillis() for start and units).
getTitle() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getTraits() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Gets the traits for this navigator.
getTraits() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Gets the traits for this source.
getTraitsDefaults() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
Returns the default traits for this SCMSource.
getTraitsDefaults() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns the default traits for this SCMSource.
getTrustedRevision(SCMRevision, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Enables a source to request that an alternative revision be used to obtain security-sensitive build instructions.
getType() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Gets the type of event.
getType() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
The type of this object.
getType() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbeStat
The type of entity or SCMFile.Type.NONEXISTENT if the entity does not exist.
getURL() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.actions.ChangeRequestAction
getUrlName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarCache
group(C...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Partitions a list of SCMCategory instances by SCMCategory.getName().
group(Iterable<C>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Partitions a collection of SCMCategory instances by SCMCategory.getName().


hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.AvatarMetadataAction
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Default
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Fork
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
hasId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Returns true if and only if this SCMSource has been assigned an ID.
head() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Returns the SCMHead to produce the SCM for.
HEAD - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestCheckoutStrategy
The revision to be checked out will be independent of the revision of the ChangeRequestSCMHead.getTarget().
HeadByItem() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead.HeadByItem
heads(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Returns the SCMHead for the supplied SCMSource that this event corresponds to.


id() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Generates the ID of the thing being navigated from the configuration of this SCMNavigator.
id() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator
ID - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.NullSCMSource
The "magic" id of the NullSCMSource.
image - Variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImage
Avatar Image
includeCategory(SCMHeadCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
SPI: Override this method to control whether specific SCMHeadCategory instances are required.
includeCategory(SCMHeadCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
SPI: Override this method to control whether specific SCMHeadCategory instances are required.
instance() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NoOpProjectObserver
Returns the singleton instance.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.None
isApplicable(Class<? extends SCMSourceOwner>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns true if this source type is applicable to the given owner.
isApplicableTo(Class<? extends SCMNavigator>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMNavigator.
isApplicableTo(Class<? extends SCMSource>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMSource.
isApplicableTo(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Checks if this authority is relevant to the supplied SCMHead.
isApplicableTo(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMNavigator.
isApplicableTo(SCMNavigatorDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMNavigatorDescriptor.
isApplicableTo(SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Checks if this authority is relevant to the supplied SCMRevision.
isApplicableTo(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSource.
isApplicableTo(SCMSourceDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSourceDescriptor.
isApplicableTo(SCMSourceRequest) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Checks if this authority is relevant to the supplied SCMSourceRequest.
isApplicableToBuilder(Class<? extends SCMBuilder>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMBuilder.
isApplicableToBuilder(Class<? extends SCMSourceBuilder>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMSourceBuilder.
isApplicableToBuilder(SCMBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified SCMBuilder.
isApplicableToBuilder(SCMSourceBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSourceBuilder.
isApplicableToContext(Class<? extends SCMNavigatorContext>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMNavigatorContext.
isApplicableToContext(Class<? extends SCMSourceContext>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMSourceContext.
isApplicableToContext(SCMNavigatorContext) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMNavigatorContext.
isApplicableToContext(SCMSourceContext) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMSourceTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSourceContext.
isApplicableToHead(Class<? extends SCMHeadMixin>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied type of SCMHead.
isApplicableToHead(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied SCMHead.
isApplicableToOrigin(Class<? extends SCMHeadOrigin>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied SCMHeadOrigin.
isApplicableToOrigin(SCMHeadOrigin) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied SCMHeadOrigin.
isApplicableToRequest(Class<? extends SCMSourceRequest>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied type of SCMSourceRequest.
isApplicableToRequest(SCMSourceRequest) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied SCMSourceRequest.
isApplicableToRevision(Class<? extends SCMRevision>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied type of SCMRevision.
isApplicableToRevision(SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Checks if this SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor is applicable to the supplied SCMRevision.
isApplicableToSCM(SCMDescriptor<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMTrait is relevant to the specified SCM.
isApplicableToSCM(Class<? extends SCM>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCM.
isApplicableToSource(Class<? extends SCMSource>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified type of SCMSource.
isApplicableToSource(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSource.
isApplicableToSource(SCMSourceDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Checks if the SCMNavigatorTrait is relevant to the specified SCMSourceDescriptor.
isCategoryEnabled(SCMHeadCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Sub-classes can override this method to filter the categories that are available from a specific source.
isCategoryEnabled(SCMHeadCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Checks if the supplied category is required by this trait.
isCategoryEnabled(SCMHeadCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Checks if the supplied category is required by this trait.
isCategoryEnabled(SCMSourceCategory) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Sub-classes can override this method to filter the categories that are available from a specific source.
isComplete() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Checks if this request has been completed, that is if its SCMHeadObserver has stopped SCMHeadObserver.isObserving().
isContentBinary() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Checks if this file is a binary file.
isContentText() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
isDeterministic() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
Returns true if and only if this revision is deterministic, in other words that repeated checkouts of this revision will result in the exact same files being checked out.
isDirectory() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Returns true if this object represents a directory.
isExcluded(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Tests if the project name is excluded from the request.
isExcluded(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Tests if the SCMHead is excluded from the request.
isExcluded(SCMNavigator, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourcePrefilter
Checks if the supplied project name is excluded from the specified SCMNavigator.
isExcluded(SCMSource, SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadPrefilter
Checks if the supplied SCMHead is excluded from the specified SCMSource.
isExcluded(SCMNavigatorRequest, String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceFilter
Checks if the supplied project name is excluded from the specified SCMNavigatorRequest.
isExcluded(SCMSourceRequest, SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadFilter
Checks if the supplied SCMHead is excluded from the specified SCMSourceRequest.
isFile() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Returns true if this object represents a file.
isFixedRevision() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Whether this inspector is looking at the specific commit.
isHead(SCMSourceCriteria.Probe, TaskListener) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria
Validates if a potential head is actually a head.
isMatch(SCM) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCM.
isMatch(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMatch(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.TagSCMHeadCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMatch(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMatch(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCMNavigator.
isMatch(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCMNavigator.
isMatch(SCMNavigator) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCMNavigator.
isMatch(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCMSource.
isMatch(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
Tests if this event applies to the supplied SCMSource.
isMatch(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMatch(T) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMatch(T, Iterable<? extends SCMCategory<T>>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Checks if the supplied instance is a match for this SCMCategory.
isMerge() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
Is this a ChangeRequestSCMRevision that will be merged on top of ChangeRequestSCMRevision.getTarget()?
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Any
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Filter
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Named
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.None
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Selector
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Filter
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isObserving() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Returns information about whether the observer wants more results.
isRoot() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Tests if this instance is the root of the filesystem.
isTrusted(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Tests if the SCMHead is trusted.
isTrusted(SCMSourceRequest, SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Checks if the supplied SCMHead is trusted in the context of the specified SCMSourceRequest.
isTrusted(SCMSourceRequest, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Checks if the supplied SCMRevision is trusted in the context of the specified SCMSourceRequest.
isUncategorized() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Checks if this is the uncategorized category.
isUserInstantiable() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
Returns true if the source type is one that the user is permitted to configure.
iterator() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator
iterator() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator


jenkins.scm.api - package jenkins.scm.api
The public API contract of the SCM API plugin.
jenkins.scm.api.actions - package jenkins.scm.api.actions
Do not use.
jenkins.scm.api.metadata - package jenkins.scm.api.metadata
jenkins.scm.api.mixin - package jenkins.scm.api.mixin
The mix-in interfaces used by SCMHead implementations to advertise that a specific head is not just a regular branch but is actually a special type of branch such as a change request / tag / etc.
jenkins.scm.api.trait - package jenkins.scm.api.trait
An API/SPI to allow the sharing of common traits between different SCMSource and SCMNavigator implementations.
jenkins.scm.impl - package jenkins.scm.impl
The common implementations of classes in the public API.
jenkins.scm.impl.avatars - package jenkins.scm.impl.avatars
jenkins.scm.impl.form - package jenkins.scm.impl.form
jenkins.scm.impl.trait - package jenkins.scm.impl.trait
JenkinsItemEnumerator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator
JenkinsItemEnumerator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator


lastModified - Variable in class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.AvatarImage
Last Modified Timestamp
lastModified() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Returns the time that the SCMFile was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Returns the time that the SCMFileSystem was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
Returns the time that the potential head was last modified.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
The SCMFile is a link.
listener() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Returns the TaskListener to use for this request.
log(SCMEventListener, Throwable) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Dispatcher


manage(Closeable) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Adds managing a Closeable into the scope of the SCMNavigatorRequest
manage(Closeable) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Adds managing a Closeable into the scope of the SCMSourceRequest
MERGE - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestCheckoutStrategy
The revision to be checked out will be the result of applying a merge algorithm between the the revision of the change request and the revision of the ChangeRequestSCMHead.getTarget().
Messages - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Generated localization support class.
Messages - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Generated localization support class.
Messages - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Messages() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Messages() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
migrate(S, H) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Perform a migration.
migrate(S, R) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Perform a migration.


name() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
Returns the name of the potential head.
named(String) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that selects the revision of a specific head.
Named(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Named
NamedArrayList<E> - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.form
An ArrayList that also has an associated name for use with the FormTagLib.traits() tag.
NamedArrayList(String, E...) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Copy constructor.
NamedArrayList(String, Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Copy constructor.
NamedArrayList.Predicate<T> - Interface in jenkins.scm.impl.form
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
newChild(String, boolean) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Constructs an immediate child with the supplied type hint.
newInstance(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
No longer used.
newInstance(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator.DescriptorImpl
newProbe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Creates a SCMProbe for the specified SCMHead and SCMRevision.
newRequest(SCMNavigator, SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Creates a new SCMNavigatorRequest.
newRequest(SCMSource, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Creates a new SCMSourceRequest.
none() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that selects the first revision it finds.
NONEXISTENT - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
The SCMFile does not exist.
NoOpProjectObserver - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
NoOpProjectObserver() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.NoOpProjectObserver
normalize(String) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMUri
Normalize an URI.
normalize(String, Map<String, Integer>...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMUri
Normalize an URI.
NullSCMSource - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
A special SCMSource that does not fetch any SCMHead instances and will build instances of NullSCM.
NullSCMSource() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.NullSCMSource


ObjectMetadataAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api.metadata
Holds metadata about the object referenced by a SCMRevision, SCMHead, SCMSource or SCMNavigator.
ObjectMetadataAction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
observe(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Filter
Declare that a new "project" such as a source repository has been found.
observe(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
Declare that a new "project" such as a source repository has been found.
observe(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped
Declare that a new "project" such as a source repository has been found.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Any
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Collector
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Filter
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Named
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.None
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Selector
Observes a head and current revision.
observe(SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped
Observes a head and current revision.
observer() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Returns the SCMHeadObserver.
of(Item, SCM) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCM this method will try to retrieve a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance.
of(Item, SCM, SCMRevision) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCM this method will try to retrieve a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content at the specified SCMRevision.
of(Item, SCM, SCMRevision, Run<?, ?>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCM this method will try to retrieve a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content at the specified SCMRevision.
of(SCMSource, SCMHead) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCMSource and a SCMHead this method will try to retrieve a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content of the specified SCMHead.
of(SCMSource, SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCMSource, a SCMHead and a SCMRevision this method will try to retrieve a corresponding SCMFileSystem instance that reflects the content of the specified SCMHead at the specified SCMRevision.
onChange(Saveable, XmlFile) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SCM2Notifier
OneFinished(Iterable<SCMHeadObserver>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished
OneFinished(SCMHeadObserver...) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished
onSCMHeadEvent(SCMHeadEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEventListener
Callback for a SCMHeadEvent
onSCMHeadEvent(SCMHeadEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SCMTriggerListener
Callback for a SCMHeadEvent
onSCMNavigatorEvent(SCMNavigatorEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEventListener
Callback for a SCMNavigatorEvent
onSCMSourceEvent(SCMSourceEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEventListener
Callback for a SCMSourceEvent
onSCMSourceUpdated(SCMSource) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwner
implementations of SCMSourceOwner would prefer the SCMEventListener extension point which allows for more fine-grained response to events, so prefer delivering event notification through SCMHeadEvent.fireNow(SCMHeadEvent), SCMSourceEvent.fireNow(SCMSourceEvent) or SCMNavigatorEvent.fireNow(SCMNavigatorEvent) as appropriate.
ORIGIN_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
An unknown origin.
originOf(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Helper method to get the origin of an event from a HttpServletRequest.
originOf(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
The SCMFile is something else, but it exists


parent() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Retrieves the parent SCMFile instance.
parentHeads(SCMHead, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Looks up the immediate parent heads of the specified head within the specified source.
parentRevisions(SCMHead, SCMRevision, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Looks up the immediate parent revision(s) of the specified revision within the specified head.
prefilters() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMNavigatorRequest independent pre-filters.
prefilters() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMSourceRequest independent pre-filters.
PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api.metadata
Identifies a SCMHead / SCMSource as being a primary instance.
PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction
Probe() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
process(H, SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda<I>, SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda<H, I>, SCMSourceRequest.LazyRevisionLambda<H, R, I>, SCMSourceRequest.Witness...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Processes a head in the context of the current request where an intermediary operation is required before the SCMRevision can be instantiated.
process(H, SCMSourceRequest.RevisionLambda<H, R>, SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda<H, R>, SCMSourceRequest.Witness...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Processes a head in the context of the current request.
process(H, R, SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda<H, R>, SCMSourceRequest.Witness...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
Processes a head in the context of the current request.
process(String, List<SCMNavigatorRequest.SourceLambda>, List<SCMNavigatorRequest.AttributeLambda>, SCMNavigatorRequest.Witness...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Processes a named project in the scope of the current request.
process(String, SCMNavigatorRequest.SourceLambda, SCMNavigatorRequest.AttributeLambda, SCMNavigatorRequest.Witness...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Processes a named project in the scope of the current request.
projectName() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Returns the project name.
ProjectObserver() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.ProjectObserver
PRONOUN - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
Replaceable pronoun of that points to a SCMHead.
PRONOUN - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Replaceable pronoun of that points to a SCMNavigator.
PRONOUN - Static variable in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Replaceable pronoun of that points to a SCMSource.


readResolveSCMHead(SCMSource, SCMHead) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Perform a migration.
readResolveSCMRevision(SCMSource, SCMRevision) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
Perform a migration.
record(H, R, boolean) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest.Witness
Records the result of a SCMHead.
record(String, boolean) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest.Witness
Records the result of the named project.
RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Decorates a SCMSource with a SCMHeadPrefilter that excludes SCMHead instances with names that do not match a user supplied regular expression.
RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait
Stapler constructor.
RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with regular expression).
RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Our descriptor.
RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Decorates a SCMNavigator with a SCMSourcePrefilter that excludes projects with names that do not match a user supplied regular expression.
RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait
Stapler constructor.
RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with regular expression).
RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Our descriptor.
REGULAR_FILE - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
The SCMFile is a regular file.
REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Type
Signifies the removal of an existing thing: An existing SCMNavigator being removed would trigger a SCMNavigatorEvent An existing SCMSource being removed would trigger a SCMSourceEvent An existing SCMHead being removed would trigger a SCMHeadEvent
resetId() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
If implementations are using DataBoundSetter on fields that affect the calculation then those fields must call SCMNavigator.resetId() if they may have invalidated the cached SCMNavigator.getId().
result() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Any
Returns the result.
result() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Collector
Returns the collected results.
result() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Named
Returns the result.
result() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Selector
Returns the result.
retrieve(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Fetches the current list of heads.
retrieve(String, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieve(String, TaskListener, Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Looks up a specific revision based on some SCM-specific set of permissible syntaxes.
retrieve(SCMHeadObserver, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieve(SCMHead, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Gets the current head revision of the specified head.
retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Fetches the current list of heads.
retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver, SCMHeadEvent<?>, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions that are originating from the supplied event.
retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver, SCMHeadEvent<?>, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.NullSCMSource
SPI: Fetches the latest heads and corresponding revisions that are originating from the supplied event.
retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver, SCMHeadEvent<?>, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
retrieveActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieveActions(SCMNavigatorOwner, SCMNavigatorEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
retrieveActions(SCMRevision, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieveActions(SCMSourceEvent, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieveRevisions(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
retrieveRevisions(TaskListener, Item) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SPI: Looks up suggested revisions that could be passed to SCMSource.fetch(String, TaskListener).
revision() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Returns the SCMRevision to produce the SCM for or null to produce the SCM for the head revision.
run() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Dispatcher


SCM2 - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Extended functionality base class for SCM implementations that only want to handle one event system and are consolidating on the SCM API event system.
SCM2() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCM2
SCM2Notifier - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
This class is responsible for firing the SCM2.afterSave(SCMTriggerItem) event.
SCM2Notifier() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SCM2Notifier
SCM2TransientActionFactory - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Extension to inject the actions of a SCM2 into its owning item.
SCM2TransientActionFactory() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SCM2TransientActionFactory
SCMBuilder<B extends SCMBuilder<B,S>,S extends SCM> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Builder for a SCM instance.
SCMBuilder(Class<S>, SCMHead, SCMRevision) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
SCMCategory<T> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for categories of SCM things.
SCMCategory(String, Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Constructs a named category with the specified display name.
SCMCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Constructs an uncategorized category with the specified display name.
SCMCategory_Join(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMCategory.Join: {0} / {1}.
scmClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Returns the base class of SCM that will be produced by the SCMBuilder.
SCMEvent<P> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for all events from a SCM system.
SCMEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
SCMEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Constructor to use when the timestamp is available from the external SCM.
SCMEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
SCMEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Constructor to use when the timestamp is not available from the external SCM.
SCMEvent(SCMEvent<P>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
Copy constructor which may be required in cases where sub-classes need to implement readResolve
SCMEvent.Dispatcher<E extends SCMEvent<?>> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
SCMEvent.EventQueueMetrics - Class in jenkins.scm.api
SCMEvent.Type - Enum Class in jenkins.scm.api
The type of event.
SCMEventListener - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for listeners to SCMEvents
SCMEventListener() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEventListener
SCMFile - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A file/directory inspected by SCMFileSystem.
SCMFile() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Constructor for the root entry.
SCMFile(SCMFile, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Constructor for any entry that is not the root.
SCMFile.Type - Enum Class in jenkins.scm.api
Represents the type of a SCMFile.
SCMFileSystem - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A virtual file system for a specific SCM potentially pinned to a specific SCMRevision.
SCMFileSystem(SCMRevision) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
SCMFileSystem.Builder - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Extension point that allows different plugins to implement SCMFileSystem classes for the same SCM or SCMSource and let Jenkins pick the most capable for any specific SCM implementation.
SCMHead - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Represents a named SCM branch, change request, tag or mainline.
SCMHead(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
SCMHead.HeadByItem - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Means of locating a head given an item.
SCMHeadAuthority<S extends SCMSourceRequest,H extends SCMHeadMixin,R extends SCMRevision> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Abstraction to allow pluggable definitions of trust for SCMHead and SCMRevision instances in the context of a specific SCMSourceRequest.
SCMHeadAuthority() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Descriptor base class for SCMHeadAuthority implementations.
SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding SCMHeadAuthority from the outer class.
SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor(Class<? extends SCMHeadAuthority<?, ?, ?>>, Class<? extends SCMSourceRequest>, Class<? extends SCMHeadMixin>, Class<? extends SCMRevision>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor
Constructor to use when type inference using SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor() does not work.
SCMHeadCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for categories of SCMHead, for example: branches, tags, change requests, mainlines, features, etc.
SCMHeadCategory(String, Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
SCMHeadCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
SCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Branches.
SCMHeadEvent<P> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for events relating to SCMHead instances.
SCMHeadEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
SCMHeadEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
SCMHeadEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
SCMHeadEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
SCMHeadEvent(SCMHeadEvent<P>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent
SCMHeadFilter - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A SCMSourceRequest dependent filter of SCMHead instances.
SCMHeadFilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadFilter
SCMHeadMigration<S extends SCMSource,H extends SCMHead,R extends SCMRevision> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
If a SCMSource plugin needs to migrate the implementation classes for SCMHead this extension point allows the plugin to register type migrations.
SCMHeadMigration(Class<S>, Class<H>, Class<R>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadMigration
SCMHeadMixin - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
Interface to allow declaring mixin interfaces for SCMHead subclasses.
SCMHeadMixin.Equality - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
SCMHeadObserver - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Something that observes SCMHead and corresponding SCMRevision details.
SCMHeadObserver() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
SCMHeadObserver.AllFinished - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that wraps multiple observers and keeps observing as long as one of the wrapped observers wants to.
SCMHeadObserver.Any - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that picks the first revision it can find.
SCMHeadObserver.Collector - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that collects the observed SCMHeads and SCMRevisions.
SCMHeadObserver.Filter<O extends SCMHeadObserver> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A SCMHeadObserver that filters the SCMHead instances that will be observed by the wrapped SCMHeadObserver.
SCMHeadObserver.Named - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that collects the SCMRevision of a named SCMHead and then stops observing.
SCMHeadObserver.None - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that is already finished.
SCMHeadObserver.OneFinished - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that wraps multiple observers and keeps observing until one of the wrapped observers stops observing.
SCMHeadObserver.Selector - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that collects the SCMRevision of a specific SCMHead and then stops observing.
SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped<O extends SCMHeadObserver> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for an SCMHeadObserver that wraps another SCMHeadObserver while allowing access to the original observer via SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped.unwrap().
SCMHeadOrigin - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Represents the origin of a SCMHead.
SCMHeadOrigin() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin
SCMHeadOrigin.Default - Class in jenkins.scm.api
The default origin.
SCMHeadOrigin.Fork - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A named fork.
SCMHeadPrefilter - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A SCMSourceRequest independent filter of SCMHead instances.
SCMHeadPrefilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadPrefilter
SCMName - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Utility class to help with naming SCM related things.
SCMNavigator - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An API for discovering new and navigating already discovered SCMSources within an organization.
SCMNavigator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
SCMNavigator_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMNavigator.Description: A collection of SCM repositories.
SCMNavigatorContext<C extends SCMNavigatorContext<C,R>,R extends SCMNavigatorRequest> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents the context within which a SCMNavigator is processing requests.
SCMNavigatorContext() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
SCMNavigatorDescriptor - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Definition of a kind of SCMNavigator.
SCMNavigatorDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
SCMNavigatorDescriptor(Class<? extends SCMNavigator>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorDescriptor
SCMNavigatorEvent<P> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for events relating to SCMNavigator instances.
SCMNavigatorEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
SCMNavigatorEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
SCMNavigatorEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
SCMNavigatorEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
SCMNavigatorEvent(SCMNavigatorEvent<P>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorEvent
SCMNavigatorOwner - Interface in jenkins.scm.api
An Item that owns SCMNavigator instances.
SCMNavigatorOwners - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Provides a means to lookup the SCMNavigatorOwners that own SCMNavigatorOwner instances.
SCMNavigatorOwners() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigatorOwners
SCMNavigatorOwners.Enumerator - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Extension point to allow for access to embedded SCMSourceOwner instances that SCMNavigatorOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator will not find.
SCMNavigatorOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Provide all the Jenkins items that are SCMNavigatorOwners.
SCMNavigatorRequest - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents the context of an individual request for a call to SCMNavigator.visitSources(SCMSourceObserver) or an equivalent method.
SCMNavigatorRequest(SCMNavigator, SCMNavigatorContext<?, ?>, SCMSourceObserver) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
SCMNavigatorRequest.AttributeLambda - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that will create the map of attributes for a specific project name.
SCMNavigatorRequest.SourceLambda - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that will create the SCMSource instance for a specific project name.
SCMNavigatorRequest.Witness - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
SCMNavigatorTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents a trait of behaviour or configuration that can be applied to a SCMSource.
SCMNavigatorTrait() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Abstract base class for Descriptor of SCMNavigatorTrait implementations.
SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding SCMNavigatorTrait from the outer class.
SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor(Class<? extends SCMNavigatorTrait>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor
Constructor to use when type inference using SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor() does not work.
SCMProbe - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An unmanaged SCMSourceCriteria.Probe that has its lifecycle managed outside of SCMSource.fetch(TaskListener).
SCMProbe() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbe
SCMProbeStat - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Represents the result of an existence check which may optionally include details of an alternative name for the object being checked for existence.
SCMRevision - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class that represents a specific (or not so specific) revision of a SCMHead.
SCMRevision(SCMHead) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
SCMRevisionAction - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Action added to AbstractBuild to remember which revision is built in the given build.
SCMRevisionAction(SCMRevision) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
SCMRevisionAction(SCMSource, SCMRevision) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction
SCMSource - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A SCMSource is responsible for fetching SCMHead and corresponding SCMRevision instances from which it can build SCM instances that are configured to check out the specific SCMHead at the specified SCMRevision.
SCMSource() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SCMSource(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
SCMSource.SourceByItem - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Means of locating a head given an item.
SCMSourceBuilder<B extends SCMSourceBuilder<B,S>,S extends SCMSource> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Builder for a SCMSource instance.
SCMSourceBuilder(Class<S>, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
SCMSourceCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for categories of SCMSource, for example: repository, depot, VOB, etc.
SCMSourceCategory(String, Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
SCMSourceCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
SCMSourceCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMSourceCategory.DisplayName: Repositories.
SCMSourceContext<C extends SCMSourceContext<C,R>,R extends SCMSourceRequest> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents the context within which a SCMSource is processing requests.
SCMSourceContext(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
SCMSourceCriteria - Interface in jenkins.scm.api
Filter that selects heads picked up by SCMSource out of all the branches and other heads found in the repository.
SCMSourceCriteria.Probe - Class in jenkins.scm.api
A probe for a branch candidate.
SCMSourceDecorator<B extends SCMSourceBuilder<B,S>,S extends SCMSource> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A contextual decorator of SCMSourceBuilder instances that can be used by a SCMNavigatorTrait for example to apply SCMSourceTraits to a subset of projects.
SCMSourceDecorator() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceDecorator
Infers the type of the corresponding SCMSourceBuilder from the type parameters of the implementation class.
SCMSourceDecorator(Class<B>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceDecorator
Bypasses SCMSourceBuilder type inference and specifies the type explicitly.
SCMSourceDescriptor - Class in jenkins.scm.api
SCMSourceDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceDescriptor
SCMSourceEvent<P> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for events relating to SCMSource instances.
SCMSourceEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
SCMSourceEvent(SCMEvent.Type, long, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
SCMSourceEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
SCMSourceEvent(SCMEvent.Type, P, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
SCMSourceEvent(SCMSourceEvent<P>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceEvent
SCMSourceFilter - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A SCMNavigatorRequest dependent filter of project names.
SCMSourceFilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceFilter
SCMSourceObserver - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Callback used by SCMNavigator.
SCMSourceObserver() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver
SCMSourceObserver.Filter<O extends SCMSourceObserver> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
An observer that filters the observed sources to a subset of named instances.
SCMSourceObserver.ProjectObserver - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Nested callback produced by SCMSourceObserver.observe(java.lang.String).
SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped<O extends SCMSourceObserver> - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Base class for an observer that wraps another observer.
SCMSourceOwner - Interface in jenkins.scm.api
An Item that owns SCMSource instances.
SCMSourceOwners - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Provides a means to lookup the SCMSourceOwners that own SCMSource instances.
SCMSourceOwners() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceOwners
SCMSourceOwners.Enumerator - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Extension point to allow for access to embedded SCMSourceOwner instances that SCMSourceOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator will not find.
SCMSourceOwners.JenkinsItemEnumerator - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Provide all the Jenkins items that are SCMSourceOwners.
SCMSourcePrefilter - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A SCMNavigatorRequest independent filter of project names.
SCMSourcePrefilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourcePrefilter
SCMSourceRequest - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents the context of an individual request for a call to SCMSource.retrieve(SCMSourceCriteria, SCMHeadObserver, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) or an equivalent method.
SCMSourceRequest(SCMSource, SCMSourceContext<?, ?>, TaskListener) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceRequest
SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda<I> - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that produces an intermediate summary used to drive creation of the SCMSourceCriteria.Probe and SCMRevision instances.
SCMSourceRequest.LazyRevisionLambda<H extends SCMHead,R extends SCMRevision,I> - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that will create the SCMRevision instance for a specific SCMHead using the intermediate value produced by a SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda.
SCMSourceRequest.ProbeLambda<H extends SCMHead,I> - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that will create a SCMSourceCriteria.Probe (ideally a SCMProbe but for legacy code migration we use SCMSourceCriteria.Probe) for a specified SCMHead and either a SCMRevision or some other type created by a SCMSourceRequest.IntermediateLambda.
SCMSourceRequest.RevisionLambda<H extends SCMHead,R extends SCMRevision> - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
A lambda that will create the SCMRevision instance for a specific SCMHead.
SCMSourceRequest.Witness<H extends SCMHead,R extends SCMRevision> - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.trait
SCMSourceTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Represents a trait of behaviour or configuration that can be applied to a SCMSource.
SCMSourceTrait() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
SCMSourceTraitDescriptor - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Abstract base class for Descriptor of SCMSourceTrait implementations.
SCMSourceTraitDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding SCMSourceTrait from the outer class.
SCMSourceTraitDescriptor(Class<? extends SCMSourceTrait>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTraitDescriptor
Constructor to use when type inference using SCMSourceTraitDescriptor() does not work.
SCMTrait<T extends SCMTrait<T>> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Base class for common traits.
SCMTrait() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMTrait
SCMTraitDescriptor<T extends SCMTrait<T>> - Class in jenkins.scm.api.trait
Abstract base class for Descriptor of SCMTrait implementations.
SCMTriggerListener - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
A SCMEventListener that will trigger the post commit hooks enabled by SCMTrigger for any SCMHeadEvent which return a positive match against a SCM through SCMHeadEvent.isMatch(SCM).
SCMTriggerListener() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SCMTriggerListener
SCMUri - Class in jenkins.scm.api
Utility class to help with SCM URI related things.
select(List<? extends E>, String, NamedArrayList.Predicate<? super E>, boolean, List<NamedArrayList<? extends E>>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Helper method that creates a new NamedArrayList by selecting matching elements from a source list and appends the new NamedArrayList to a list of NamedArrayList.
select(List<? extends E>, String, NamedArrayList.Predicate<? super E>, boolean, List<NamedArrayList<? extends E>>, int) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Helper method that creates a new NamedArrayList by selecting matching elements from a source list and appends the new NamedArrayList to a list of NamedArrayList.
select(SCMHead) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver
Creates an observer that selects the revision of a specific head.
Selection - Annotation Interface in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Annotation to apply to SCMTraitDescriptor types that are pure filters.
Selector(SCMHead) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Selector
setId(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Sets the ID that is used to ensure this SCMSource can be retrieved from its SCMSourceOwner provided that this SCMSource does not already SCMSource.hasId().
setOwner(SCMSourceOwner) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Sets the owner.
setTraits(List<SCMSourceTrait>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Sets the traits for this source.
setTraits(List<SCMTrait<? extends SCMTrait<?>>>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Sets the traits for this navigator.
simplify(Iterable<SCMHeadCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
Simplifies a collection of SCMHeadCategory replacing duplicates with their SCMHeadCategory.union(List).
simplify(Iterable<SCMSourceCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
Simplifies a collection of SCMSourceCategory replacing duplicates with their SCMSourceCategory.union(List).
SingleSCMNavigator - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Degenerate navigator which only ever returns a single repository.
SingleSCMNavigator(String, List<SCMSource>) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator
SingleSCMNavigator_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key SingleSCMNavigator.DisplayName: Single repository.
SingleSCMNavigator.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
SingleSCMSource - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
A single fixed branch using a legacy SCM implementation.
SingleSCMSource(String, SCM) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
Our constructor.
SingleSCMSource(String, String, SCM) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
SingleSCMSource_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key SingleSCMSource.DisplayName: Single repository & branch.
SingleSCMSource.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Our descriptor.
SourceByItem() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource.SourceByItem
sourceClass() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Returns the base class of SCMSource that will be produced by the SCMSourceBuilder.
stat(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMProbe
Checks if the path, relative to the head candidate root, exists or not.
stat(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCriteria.Probe
Checks if the path, relative to the head candidate root, exists or not.
supports(SCM) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCM.
supports(SCM) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCM this method will check if there is at least one SCMFileSystem provider capable of being instantiated.
supports(SCMDescriptor) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCMDescriptor this method will check if there is at least one SCMFileSystem provider capable of being instantiated from the descriptor's SCMSource.
supports(SCMDescriptor<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCMDescriptor.
supports(SCMSource) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCMSource.
supports(SCMSource) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCMSource this method will check if there is at least one SCMFileSystem provider capable of being instantiated.
supports(SCMSourceDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCMSourceDescriptor.
supports(SCMSourceDescriptor) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem
Given a SCMSourceDescriptor this method will check if there is at least one SCMFileSystem provider capable of being instantiated from the descriptor's SCMSource.
supportsDescriptor(SCMDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCMDescriptor.
supportsDescriptor(SCMSourceDescriptor) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFileSystem.Builder
Checks if this SCMFileSystem.Builder supports the supplied SCMSourceDescriptor.


TagSCMHead - Interface in jenkins.scm.api.mixin
Mixin interface to identify SCMHead instances that correspond to a semi-immutable tag.
TagSCMHeadCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Standard category for SCMHead instances that implement TagSCMHead.
TagSCMHeadCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.TagSCMHeadCategory
Constructs a TagSCMHeadCategory with customized naming.
TagSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key TagSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Tags.
test(T) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList.Predicate
toDisplayName(C...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Gets the composite display name for a collection of SCMCategory instances.
toDisplayName(List<C>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Gets the composite display name for a collection of SCMCategory instances.
toShortUrl(C...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Gets the composite short url name for a collection of SCMCategory instances.
toShortUrl(List<C>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMCategory
Gets the composite short url name for a collection of SCMCategory instances.
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ContributorMetadataAction
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.metadata.ObjectMetadataAction
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Default
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin.Fork
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadOrigin
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision
Should provide a concise, human-readable summary of this revision in an implementation-dependent format.
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
toString() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMSource
traits() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> specialized for traits.
traits() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Returns the (possibly empty) list of SCMSourceTrait instances to apply to discovered projects.
traits() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorRequest
Returns the SCMSourceTrait instances to apply to every SCMSource.
traits() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Returns the SCMSourceTrait instances to provide to the SCMSource (assuming the SCMSource is SCMSourceTrait aware.
traits(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> specialized for traits.
traits(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> specialized for traits.
traits(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.scm.api.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> specialized for traits.
type() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
The type of this object.
type() - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SCM2TransientActionFactory
type(SCMFile.Type) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile
Proactively seeds the type information where that has been already obtained in a different request.


UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Standard category for uncategorized instances.
UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory
Constructs a UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory with customized naming.
UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Branches.
UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory - Class in jenkins.scm.impl
Standard category for uncategorized instances.
UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory(Localizable) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory
Constructs a UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory with customized naming.
UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory.DisplayName: Repositories.
union(List<SCMHeadCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadCategory
Reduces a list of categories into a single composite category.
union(List<SCMSourceCategory>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceCategory
Reduces a list of categories into a single composite category.
unwrap() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped
Unwraps this SCMHeadObserver.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Type
Signifies the update of metadata of existing thing: An existing SCMNavigator's metadata changing would trigger a SCMNavigatorEvent An existing SCMSource's metadata changing would trigger a SCMSourceEvent An existing SCMHead's metadata changing (including the SCMRevision that the SCMHead points to) would trigger a SCMHeadEvent
UrlAvatarCacheSource - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.avatars
Basic URL based Cache Source - Fetches Image from HTTP/HTTPS URL without authentication
UrlAvatarCacheSource(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.avatars.UrlAvatarCacheSource


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestCheckoutStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestCheckoutStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
visitSource(String, SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Looks for the named SCM source in a configured place.
visitSources(SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Looks for SCM sources in a configured place.
visitSources(SCMSourceObserver) - Method in class jenkins.scm.impl.SingleSCMNavigator
visitSources(SCMSourceObserver, SCMHeadEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Looks for SCM sources in a configured place (scoped against a specific event).
visitSources(SCMSourceObserver, SCMSourceEvent<?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMNavigator
Looks for SCM sources in a configured place (scoped against a specific event).


WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Decorates a SCMSource with a SCMHeadPrefilter that filters SCMHead instances based on matching wildcard include/exclude rules.
WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait(String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait
Stapler constructor.
WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with wildcards).
WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Our descriptor.
WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Decorates a SCMNavigator with a SCMSourcePrefilter that filters project names based on matching wildcard include/exclude rules.
WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait(String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait
Stapler constructor.
WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with wildcards).
WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm.impl.trait
Our descriptor.
withAnnotation(Class<A>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.form.NamedArrayList
Returns a NamedArrayList.Predicate that checks if the object class has been annotated with the supplied annotation.
withAuthority(SCMHeadAuthority) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds an additional SCMHeadAuthority.
withCriteria(SCMSourceCriteria) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds an additional SCMSourceCriteria.
withDecorator(SCMSourceDecorator<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourceDecorator.
withDecorators(Collection<? extends SCMSourceDecorator<?, ?>>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourceDecorator instances.
withDecorators(SCMSourceDecorator<?, ?>...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourceDecorator instances.
withFilter(SCMHeadFilter) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds an additional SCMHeadFilter.
withFilter(SCMSourceFilter) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourceFilter.
withHead(SCMHead) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Replace the SCMBuilder.head() with a new SCMHead.
withId(String) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource
Variant of SCMSource.setId(String) that can be useful for method chaining.
withPrefilter(SCMHeadPrefilter) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds an additional SCMHeadPrefilter.
withPrefilter(SCMSourcePrefilter) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourcePrefilter.
withRequest(SCMNavigatorRequest) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
withRevision(SCMRevision) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Replace the SCMBuilder.revision() with a new SCMRevision
withTrait(SCMNavigatorTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Applies the supplied SCMNavigatorTrait.
withTrait(SCMNavigatorTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
withTrait(SCMSourceTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Apply the SCMSourceTrait to this SCMBuilder.
withTrait(SCMSourceTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds the supplied SCMSourceTrait.
withTrait(SCMSourceTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Apply the SCMSourceTrait to this SCMSourceBuilder (that is add to SCMSourceBuilder.traits()).
withTrait(SCMSourceTrait) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds an additional SCMSourceTrait.
withTraits(Collection<? extends SCMTrait<?>>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds / applies the supplied SCMTrait.
withTraits(Collection<? extends SCMTrait<?>>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Apply the SCMTrait instances to this SCMSourceBuilder.
withTraits(Collection<SCMSourceTrait>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Apply the SCMSourceTrait instances to this SCMBuilder.
withTraits(Collection<SCMSourceTrait>) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds additional SCMSourceTraits.
withTraits(SCMSourceTrait...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMBuilder
Apply the SCMSourceTrait instances to this SCMBuilder.
withTraits(SCMSourceTrait...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceContext
Adds additional SCMSourceTraits.
withTraits(SCMTrait<? extends SCMTrait<?>>...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorContext
Adds / applies the supplied SCMTrait.
withTraits(SCMTrait<? extends SCMTrait<?>>...) - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceBuilder
Apply the SCMTrait instances to this SCMSourceBuilder.
Wrapped(O) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadObserver.Wrapped
Wrapped(O) - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.api.SCMSourceObserver.Wrapped


_ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key ChangeRequestSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Change requests.
_for(Class<? extends SCMNavigatorContext>, Class<? extends SCMSourceBuilder>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Returns the subset of SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor instances that are applicable to the specified types of SCMNavigatorContext and SCMSourceBuilder.
_for(Class<? extends SCMSourceContext>, Class<? extends SCMBuilder>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Returns the subset of SCMSourceTraitDescriptor instances that are applicable to the specified types of SCMSourceContext and SCMSourceBuilder.
_for(Class<? extends SCMSourceRequest>, Class<? extends SCMHeadMixin>, Class<? extends SCMRevision>, Class<? extends SCMHeadOrigin>...) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority
Returns the subset of SCMHeadAuthorityDescriptor instances applicable to the supplied criteria.
_for(SCMNavigatorDescriptor, Class<? extends SCMNavigatorContext>, Class<? extends SCMSourceBuilder>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMNavigatorTrait
Returns the subset of SCMNavigatorTraitDescriptor instances that are applicable to the specified SCMNavigatorDescriptor and specified types of SCMNavigatorContext and SCMSourceBuilder.
_for(SCMSourceDescriptor, Class<? extends SCMSourceContext>, Class<? extends SCMBuilder>) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMSourceTrait
Returns the subset of SCMSourceTraitDescriptor instances that are applicable to the specified SCMSourceDescriptor and specified types of SCMNavigatorContext and SCMSourceBuilder.
_hashCode() - Method in class jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMRevision
_RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with regular expression).
_RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key RegexSCMSourceFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with regular expression).
_SCMCategory_Join(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMCategory.Join: {0} / {1}.
_SCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Branches.
_SCMNavigator_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMNavigator.Description: A collection of SCM repositories.
_SCMSourceCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.api.Messages
Key SCMSourceCategory.DisplayName: Repositories.
_SingleSCMNavigator_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key SingleSCMNavigator.DisplayName: Single repository.
_SingleSCMSource_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key SingleSCMSource.DisplayName: Single repository & branch.
_TagSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key TagSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Tags.
_UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key UncategorizedSCMHeadCategory.DisplayName: Branches.
_UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.Messages
Key UncategorizedSCMSourceCategory.DisplayName: Repositories.
_WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with wildcards).
_WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.scm.impl.trait.Messages
Key WildcardSCMSourceFilterTrait.DisplayName: Filter by name (with wildcards).
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