Class SingleSCMNavigator

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<SCMNavigator>

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class SingleSCMNavigator extends SCMNavigator
Degenerate navigator which only ever returns a single repository.
  • Constructor Details

    • SingleSCMNavigator

      @DataBoundConstructor public SingleSCMNavigator(String name, List<SCMSource> sources)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getSources

      public List<SCMSource> getSources()
    • id

      @NonNull protected String id()
      Description copied from class: SCMNavigator
      Generates the ID of the thing being navigated from the configuration of this SCMNavigator.

      The ID will typically be a composite of things like the server and the project/organization that the navigator is scoped to.

      For example, a GitHub navigator that is navigating repositories in a GitHub organization could construct its ID as being the URL of the GitHub Server (to allow for GitHub Enterprise servers) and the name of the organization.

      The key criteria is that if two navigators have the same ID and they are both in the same SCMNavigatorOwner then the results from SCMNavigator.fetchActions(SCMNavigatorOwner, SCMNavigatorEvent, TaskListener) should be not just equivalent but List.equals(Object).

      If the results could be non-equal for navigators with the same ID then more detail needs to be encoded in the ID.

      Specified by:
      id in class SCMNavigator
      the ID of the thing being navigated by this navigator.
      See Also:
    • visitSources

      public void visitSources(@NonNull SCMSourceObserver observer) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: SCMNavigator
      Looks for SCM sources in a configured place. After this method completes, no further calls may be made to the observer or its child callbacks. It is vitally important that implementations must periodically call SCMNavigator.checkInterrupt() otherwise it will be impossible for users to interrupt the operation.
      Specified by:
      visitSources in class SCMNavigator
      observer - a recipient of progress notifications and a source of contextual information
      IOException - if scanning fails
      InterruptedException - if scanning is interrupted