All Classes and Interfaces

Virtual configurator for Remoting security settings.
One attribute of Configurator.
Abstracts away how to retrieve attribute value from a 'target' Jenkins object.
Abstracts away how to assign a value to a 'target' Jenkins object.
a General purpose abstract Configurator implementation based on introspection.
A configuration Node in yaml tree.
API for components to directly implement Configuration-as-Code.
Define a Configurator which handles a configuration element, identified by name.
Exception type for Configurator issues.
A Registry to allow Configurators retrieval.
A generic Configurator to configure components with a DataBoundConstructor.
Define a Configurator for a Descriptor
SecretSource implementation relying on docker secrets.
A generic Configurator for Extension singletons
Extends FieldUtils by adding some utility methods.
Configurator that works with Describable subtype as a
A mix-in configurator to support both Maven.DescriptorImpl and GlobalMavenConfig which both are are Descriptors for the "tools" category using a conflicting Symbol.
YAML merge strategy between multiple files
Override the configuration by loading order
This SecretSource implementation allows to use a .properties file for providing secrets.
Define a Configurator which handles a root configuration element, identified by name.
Resolves variable references in configuration file of the form "${abc}"
Resolves secret variables and converts escaped internal variables.
Handles AuthorizationStrategy.Unsecured that requires a special treatment due to its singleton semantics.
TODO would not be required if UpdateCenter had a DataBoundConstructor
TODO would not be required if UpdateSite had a DataBoundConstructor