All Classes and Interfaces

Absolute Constraints compare the result of a new load test against some user defined values.
Parent class for AbsoluteConstraint and RelativeConstraint
An abstraction for parsing data to PerformanceReport instances.
Abstract class for classes with samplesCount, error, mean, average, 90 line, 95 line, min and max attributes
Checks whether a list of constraints is fulfilled or violated
Holds the values of a evaluated constraint.
Evaluates the entries in the testCase field if test cases are specified and create clones of the constraint for every given test case There are two possibilities: 1.
Creates a report of the constraint evaluation and stores it into a consecutive log file, a build environment variable and prints it to the Jenkins console output.
Holds the global settings for constraints.
Creates and converts cookies.
Configures the trend graph of this plug-in.
Information about a particular HTTP request and how that went.
Parses Iago results as dumped by the server.
Parser for JMeter.
Parses JMeter Summarized results
Parser for JUnit.
Parser for LoadRunner Analysis results stored in an MS Access database (*.mdb file).
Generated localization support class.
Auto-detect parser for file
Represents a single performance report, which consists of multiple UriReports for different URLs that was tested.
Root object of a performance report.
Parses performance result files into PerformanceReports.
"Build step" for running performance test
Holds the informations which builds get included into the evaluation of relative constraints.
Compares new load test results with 1 or more load test results in the past in a dynamically manner.
Parser for Taurus
Holds the testCase information for constraints.
Configures the trend graph of this plug-in.
Configures the trend graph of this plug-in.
A report about a particular tested URI.
Parser for wrk (