All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractTeamForgeNotifier Base class forNotifier
s that talk to CollabNet TeamForge.AbstractTeamForgeNotifier.DescriptorImpl BuildEvent Converts a build to JSON for importing as a build activity into WEBR.BuildNotifier Notifies TeamForge when a build is complete.BuildNotifier.OptionalAssociationView BuildNotifier.OptionalWebhook BuildNotifierDescriptor CNAuthenticatedUserACL Gives user permission if the user is authenticated.CNAuthentication Authentication class for CollabNet.CNAuthenticationEntryPoint CNAuthorizationCache Authorization cache.CNAuthorizationStrategy Class for the CollabNet Authorization.CNAuthorizationStrategy.DescriptorImpl The CNAuthorizationStrategy Descriptor class.CNAuthProjectProperty Job property to associate a Jenkins job with a CollabNet Project for Authorization purposes (used with CollabNet Authorization).CNAuthProjectProperty.DescriptorImpl Descriptor class.CNChangeLogAnnotator Looks for object IDs in the commit messages and turn them into hyperlinks.CNConnection Provides access to theCollabNetApp
associated with the currentAuthentication
that the calling thread carries.CNDocumentUploader Jenkins plugin to upload the Jenkins build log to the CollabNet Documents.CNDocumentUploader.DescriptorImpl The CNDocumentUploader Descriptor class.CnduResultAction Displays the results of a Document upload attempt.CNFileRelease Jenkins plugin to update files from the Jenkins workspace to the CollabNet File Release System.CNFileRelease.DescriptorImpl The CNFileRelease Descriptor class.CNFilter Class for filtering CollabNet auth information for SSO.CNFormFieldValidator CnfrResultAction Displays the results of a File Release System upload attempt.CNHudsonUtil Class for methods that are useful across Jenkins plugins.CNProjectACL An ACL that uses project roles to determine what Jenkins permissions to give.CNProjectACL.CollabNetRoles CNRootACL Root ACL for the CollabNet Authorization.CNTracker CNTracker.DescriptorImpl CollabNetApp This class represents the connection to the CollabNet webservice.CollabNetApp.CollabNetAppException Exception class to throw when something unexpected goes wrong.CollabNetAuthManager CollabNetPlugin Entry point for the plugins.CollabNetRole This class stores information about each CollabNet Role (name, description, associated Jenkins permissions, etc.)CollabNetSecurityRealm CollabNetSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl The CollabNetSecurityRealm Descriptor class.ComboBoxUpdater These classes are used to update the list of items for a combo box.CommonUtil Class for methods that are useful across Jenkins plugins.ConnectionFactory Represents the information about the connectivity to TeamForge.ConnectionFactory.DescriptorImpl CTFArtifact CTFConstants CTFDocument CTFDocumentFolder A folder in the documents section.CTFFile A file in the file storage.CTFFlexField CTFFolder Folder-like container object.CTFGroup CTFItem CTFList<T extends ObjectWithTitle> GlorifiedArrayList
that supports a look-up by the title.CTFPackage CTFProject A project in TeamForge.CTFRelease CTFReleaseFile CTFRole A role in CTF belongs to a project.CTFScmRepository A SCM repository.CtfSoapHttpSender CTFTracker CTFUser FakeChangeLogSCM SCM
for test that enables the caller to fake changelog entries programatically.FakeChangeLogSCM.Commit FilePattern File pattern to uploadFilePattern.ConverterImpl To remain backward compatible with the earlier string-only serialization format.FilePattern.DescriptorImpl Helper ObjectWithTitle Priority Priority of the tracker artifact.PublishWebhookStep PublishWebhookStep.DescriptorImpl PublishWebhookStep.PublishWebhookStepExecution PushNotification SynchNonBlockingStepExecution<T> Similar to SynchronousStepExecution (it executes synchronously too) but it does not block the CPS VM thread.TeamForge TeamForge.DescriptorImpl TeamForgeShare The TeamForgeShare descriptor holds global data to be shared with other extension points.TeamForgeShare.TeamForgeShareDescriptor Singleton object that stores global configuration related to TeamForge.TraceabilityAction Created by sureshk on 08/01/16.TraceabilityActionFactory Created by sureshk on 07/01/16.