All Classes and Interfaces

Artifact archiving.
Runs a block.
A step that runs a SimpleBuildStep as defined in Jenkins core.
A step that runs a SimpleBuildWrapper as defined in Jenkins core.
Only here for serial compatibility.
Simple step that will wipe out the current working directory in a workflows workspace.
A simple echo back statement.
Obtains a Jenkins API object from the current context.
Checks whether we are running on Unix.
Simple email sender step.
Generated localization support class.
Only exists as a placeholder for old running builds; now
Returns the working directory path.
Executes the body up to N times.
Checks for SynchronousResumeNotSupportedException.
Executes the body with a timeout, which will kill the body.
Common cause in this step.
only here for serial compatibility
Binds a ToolInstallation to a variable.
Runs a block, and if that block fails, prints a message, marks the build as Result.UNSTABLE, adds a WarningAction to the step, and then continues execution normally.
Supplies a contextual Jenkins API object to a block.