The result that will be used for setting the build result if an error is caught.
Return Result.SUCCESS to leave the build result unchanged. If isCatchInterruptions()
returns true, then if a FlowInterruptedException is caught, its result will be used
instead of this value.
The result that will be used for annotating the with WarningAction) if an error is caught.
Return Result.SUCCESS to leave the step result unchanged. If isCatchInterruptions()
returns true, then if a FlowInterruptedException is caught, its result will be used
instead of this value.
Whether FlowInterruptedException should be caught and handled by the step or rethrown.
FlowInterruptedException is commonly used to control the flow of execution for things
like builds aborted by a user and builds that time out inside of TimeoutStep. It is
sometimes desirable to rethrow these kinds of exceptions rather than catching them so as to
not interfere with their intended behavior.