All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description CleanUpCallable This code is executed on a Jenkins Agent.CleanUpTask Task to execute after executing a builder.ExecuteTestsWorkerJobCallable The Callable executes tpt test cases on a Jenkins Agent via the TPT API.GetTestCasesCallable This Callable returns a list of all testcase for the given parameters.GetTestCasesCallableResult Data container for the result returned byGetTestCasesCallable
.InvisibleActionHostingHtml An invisibale action to show HTML reportsInvisibleActionHostingImages An invisible action to display imagesInvisibleActionTPTExecution Invisible action to store data about executedJenkinsConfiguration
to make them available later for report generation.JenkinsConfiguration Repeatable subelement for the TPT configuration.JenkinsConfiguration.DescriptorImpl Inline class for jenkins.Publish Class for helper methods to collect and tranform TPT test result.RunOverviewReportCallable This class creates the tpt overview report.Testcase The result of a parsed TPT test case execution resultTestcaseParser Parser for TPT test case execution result (testcase_information.xml) files.TestcaseSummaryParser This class is similar to the TestcaseParser.TptApiAccess Since the TPT API should be used only on the localshost and not via a remote connection, all API calls are done within Callables.TptApiCallable<S> This class can open a TPT API connection.TptApiHelper Provides some Methods to generalize access to the TPT API.TPTFile Metainformation of a executed TPT file.TptLogger Just a wrapper to add prefixes like "[ERROR" + " date" + "] " to the messages.TptPlugin This class is just a data container for the TPTPlugin configuration in Jenkins.TptPlugin.DescriptorImpl The descriptor of TptPluginTptPluginSlave Plugin executes a single given TPT test case.TptPluginSlave.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor ofTptPluginSlave
TPTReportPage A Page with a table of all executed TPT files and their configuration on top and a table with all failed test cases.TPTReportPublisher The post build action to publish the TPT test results in JenkinsTPTReportPublisher.DescriptorImpl The descriptor for the publisherTPTReportUtils TptResult TPTTestCase This class is for the failed test.TptVersion TPT versions are named like "15" or "15u1" meaning release version 15, update release 1.TrendGraph Generates the trend graph on the main page.TrendGraph.ResultData Data container to collect numbers of test results of TPT test execuiton for build previous builds.Utils Collection of some utility methods and constantsWorkLoad Through this class is how the data from a distributing job to a worker job is passed.