Class TptApiHelper

  • public class TptApiHelper
    extends Object
    Provides some Methods to generalize access to the TPT API.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TptApiHelper

        public TptApiHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getTestCasesFromTestSet

        public static Collection<com.piketec.tpt.api.Scenario> getTestCasesFromTestSet​(TptVersion tptVersion,
                                                                                       com.piketec.tpt.api.TestSet testSet)
                                                                                throws RemoteException
        Get the test cases that are part of the given test set. Test case groups are ignored but all underlaying test cases will be returned. For TPT versions less than 16 the test cases may be reduced by a test set condition evaluated with default values. This is the best we can do in that case.
        tptVersion - The TPT version the test set was read from
        testSet - The test set to get the test cases from
        All test cases that are part of the given test set
        RemoteException - remote communication problem
      • addTestCase

        public static void addTestCase​(TptVersion tptVersion,
                                       com.piketec.tpt.api.TestSet testSet,
                                       com.piketec.tpt.api.Scenario testCase)
                                throws RemoteException
        Adds a test case to the test set. Will use the correct method for the given TPT version. The test set and the test case must be part of the same TPT model loaded in the same TPT instance.
        tptVersion - The TPT version the test set was read from
        testSet - The test set to add the test case to
        testCase - The test case to add to the test set
        RemoteException - remote communication problem