CleanUpTask |
Task to execute after executing a builder.
InvisibleActionTPTExecution |
Invisible action to store data about executed JenkinsConfiguration to make them available
later for report generation.
Publish |
Class for helper methods to collect and tranform TPT test result.
Testcase |
The result of a parsed TPT test case execution result
TestcaseParser |
Parser for TPT test case execution result (testcase_information.xml) files.
TestcaseSummaryParser |
This class is similar to the TestcaseParser.
TptApiAccess |
Since the TPT API should be used only on the localshost and not via a remote connection, all API
calls are done within Callables.
TptApiHelper |
Provides some Methods to generalize access to the TPT API.
TptLogger |
Just a wrapper to add prefixes like "[ERROR" + " date" + "] " to the messages.
TptPlugin |
This class is just a data container for the TPTPlugin configuration in Jenkins.
TptPlugin.DescriptorImpl |
The descriptor of TptPlugin
TptPluginSlave |
Plugin executes a single given TPT test case.
TptPluginSlave.DescriptorImpl |
TptVersion |
TPT versions are named like "15" or "15u1" meaning release version 15, update release 1.
Utils |
Collection of some utility methods and constants
WorkLoad |
Through this class is how the data from a distributing job to a worker job is passed.