Class TptPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<Builder>, BuildStep, SimpleBuildStep

    public class TptPlugin
    extends Builder
    implements SimpleBuildStep
    This class is just a data container for the TPTPlugin configuration in Jenkins.
    If you use this Jenkins plugin you have two Options to run TPT-Test. The first option is just to run TPT via command line and execute the tests. The second option is to execute the tests via API. In this case for every testcase a single worker job will be started. This worker job must have a proper configured TptPluginSlave Build step. distribution job to worker job execution was introduced in the year 2016.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TptPlugin

        public TptPlugin​(String exePaths,
                         ArrayList<JenkinsConfiguration> executionConfiguration)
        All the parameter are processed and then they are passed to TptPluginSingleJobExecutor or to TptPluginMasterJobExecutor
        exePaths - paths to tpt executables separated by a comma or a semicolon
        executionConfiguration - all the jenkins configurations given in the descriptor, used to get the Files,Execution Configuration, test Set, testDataDir, reportDir,etc
    • Method Detail

      • readResolve

        protected Object readResolve()
        This method is used to persist the data format when upgrading the plugin.
      • getExePaths

        public String getExePaths()
        The list of paths to possible TPT-installations.
      • setExe

        public void setExe​(String exe)
        Deprecated, use exePaths instead
        exe - The path to the tpt.exe
      • getIsDistributing

        public boolean getIsDistributing()
        Should testcase execution be delegated to a sub job
      • setIsDistributing

        public void setIsDistributing​(boolean isDistributing)
        Should testcase execution be delegated to a sub job or is this run as a single job.
        isDistributing - true if the execution should be
      • setIsTptMaster

        public void setIsTptMaster​(boolean isTptMaster)
        historic problematic name. Use setIsDistributing(boolean)
        Should testcase execution be delegated to a sub job or is this run as a single job.
        isTptMaster - true if the execution should be
      • getWorkerJob

        public String getWorkerJob()
        The name of worker job if the plugin runs in distributing mode
      • setWorkerJob

        public void setWorkerJob​(String workerJob)
        workerJob - The name of worker job if the plugin runs in distributing mode
      • setSlaveJob

        public void setSlaveJob​(String slaveJob)
        historic problematic name. Use setWorkerJob(String)
        slaveJob - The name of worker job if the plugin runs in distributing mode
      • getWorkerJobCount

        public String getWorkerJobCount()
        The number of worker jobs the plugin will run in distributing mode. A value below 1 means every test case will be started in its own job.
      • setWorkerJobCount

        public void setWorkerJobCount​(String workerJobCount)
        workerJobCount - The number of worker jobs the plugin will run in distributing mode. A value below 1 means every test case will be started in its own job.
      • setSlaveJobCount

        public void setSlaveJobCount​(String slaveJobCount)
        historic problematic name. Use setWorkerJobCount(String)
        slaveJobCount - The number of worker jobs the plugin will run in distributing mode. A value below 1 means every test case will be started in its own job.
      • getWorkerJobTries

        public String getWorkerJobTries()
        If the execution of a worker job fails it is possible to reschedule the job for another try. This is the maximal number of tries.
      • setWorkerJobTries

        public void setWorkerJobTries​(String workerJobTries)
        workerJobTries - If the execution of a worker job fails it is possible to reschedule the job for another try. This is the maximal number of tries.
      • setSlaveJobTries

        public void setSlaveJobTries​(String slaveJobTries)
        historic problematic name. Use setWorkerJobTries(String).
        slaveJobTries - If the execution of a worker job fails it is possible to reschedule the job for another try. This is the maximal number of tries.
      • getTptBindingName

        public String getTptBindingName()
        the RMI binding name for TPT
      • setTptBindingName

        public void setTptBindingName​(String tptBindingName)
        tptBindingName - The RMI binding name for TPT
      • getTptPort

        public String getTptPort()
        The port of the RMI registry
      • setTptPort

        public void setTptPort​(String tptPort)
        tptPort - The port of the RMI registry
      • getArguments

        public String getArguments()
        Common command line opts. Delimiter between the options is one or more spaces. Inside doublequotes spaces have no special meaning.
        0 or more options for tpt.
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(String arguments)
      • getTptStartUpWaitTime

        public String getTptStartUpWaitTime()
        The time waited before trying to get the API handle after starting TPT
      • setTptStartUpWaitTime

        public void setTptStartUpWaitTime​(String tptStartUpWaitTime)
        tptStartUpWaitTime - the time waited before trying to get the API handle after starting TPT
      • getExecutionConfiguration

        public List<JenkinsConfiguration> getExecutionConfiguration()
        List of all (repeatable) sub-configurations
      • isEnableJunit

        public boolean isEnableJunit()
        if the TPT test result should be transformed into a JUnit XML (legacy behaviour)
      • setEnableJunit

        public void setEnableJunit​(boolean enableJunit)
        enableJunit - if the TPT test result should be transformed into a JUnit XML (legacy behaviour)
      • getJUnitreport

        public String getJUnitreport()
        Report dir (optional).
        The directory, where to store the results, can be null.
      • setjUnitreport

        public void setjUnitreport​(String jUnitreport)
        jUnitreport - The directory, where to store the results, can be null.
      • getJUnitLogLevel

        public com.piketec.jenkins.plugins.tpt.TptLog.LogLevel getJUnitLogLevel()
        The severity level of TPT log messages that will be written to failed JUnit tests.
        The severity level of TPT log messages that will be written to failed JUnit tests.
      • setjUnitLogLevel

        public void setjUnitLogLevel​(com.piketec.jenkins.plugins.tpt.TptLog.LogLevel jUnitLogLevel)
        jUnitLogLevel - The severity level of TPT log messages that will be written to failed JUnit tests.
      • performWithoutWorkerJobs

        public boolean performWithoutWorkerJobs​(Run<?,​?> run,
                                                FilePath workspace,
                                                Launcher launcher,
                                                TaskListener listener,
                                                EnvVars environment,
                                                ArrayList<JenkinsConfiguration> configs)
                                         throws InterruptedException,
        Get the required data to create a TptPluginSingleJobExecutor and excecutes it. It is called when there are no distributed builds. All the parameters are used to get the data for creating a new TptPluginSingleJobExecutor
        run - The current Jenkins build
        launcher - The launcher
        listener - The listener
        environment - The map of envrionment varibales and their value
        configs - The configs with unresolved $-variables
        true if it was possible to execute the TptPluginSingleJobExecutor.
        InterruptedException - If thread was interrupted
      • performAsDistributingJob

        public boolean performAsDistributingJob​(Run<?,​?> build,
                                                FilePath workspace,
                                                Launcher launcher,
                                                TaskListener listener,
                                                EnvVars environment,
                                                ArrayList<JenkinsConfiguration> configs)
                                         throws InterruptedException
        Get the required data to create a TptPluginDistributingJobExecutor and excecutes it. It is called when there are distributed builds.
        build - The current Jenkins build
        launcher - The launcher
        listener - The listener
        environment - The map of envrionment varibales and their value
        configs - The configs with unresolved $-variables
        true if the execution from worker jobs and distributing job were successful.
        InterruptedException - If thread was interrupted
        See Also:
        All the parameters are used to get the data for creating a new