Class ExecuteTestsWorkerJobCallable

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecuteTestsWorkerJobCallable

        public ExecuteTestsWorkerJobCallable​(TaskListener listener,
                                             int tptPort,
                                             String tptBindingName,
                                             FilePath[] exePaths,
                                             List<String> arguments,
                                             long startUpWaitTime,
                                             FilePath tptFilePath,
                                             FilePath workerJobReportPath,
                                             FilePath workerJobDataPath,
                                             String executionConfigName,
                                             List<String> testSet,
                                             String testSetName)
        Create a new callable to execute a subset of tests of a given test set as part of a complete test execution.
        listener - The task listener
        tptPort - The port for TPT RMI API calls
        tptBindingName - The binding name for TPT RMI API calls
        exePaths - Paths to look for TPT installations
        arguments - startup arguments fo TPT
        startUpWaitTime - Timeto wait for TPT start up
        tptFilePath - The TPT file which tests shall be executeds
        workerJobReportPath - Path where the report shall be stored in the workspace
        workerJobDataPath - Path where the test data shall be stored in the workspace
        executionConfigName - The execution configuration to execute
        testSet - List of test cases to executes
        testSetName - The test set to execute