Class WidgetFactory<T extends HasWidgets,W extends Widget>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of object to add widgets to.
W - The subtype of Widget the factory contributes.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BuildHistoryWidget.FactoryImpl, BuildQueueWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl, BuildQueueWidget.ViewFactoryImpl, ExecutorsWidget.ComputerFactoryImpl, ExecutorsWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl, ExecutorsWidget.ViewFactoryImpl, HistoryWidget.FactoryImpl, JenkinsWidgetFactory

public abstract class WidgetFactory<T extends HasWidgets,W extends Widget> extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Allows you to add new widgets to various kind of objects whose class implements HasWidgets.
  • Constructor Details

    • WidgetFactory

      public WidgetFactory()
  • Method Details

    • type

      public abstract Class<T> type()
      The type of object this factory cares about. Declared separately, rather than by having createFor(T) do a check-cast, so that method bodies are not loaded until actually needed.
      the type of WidgetFactory
    • widgetType

      public abstract Class<W> widgetType()
      A supertype of any widgets this factory might produce. Defined so that factories which produce irrelevant widgets need not be consulted. If your implementation was returning multiple disparate kinds of widgets, it is best to split it into two factories.

      If an API defines an abstract Widget subtype, and you are providing a concrete implementation, you may return the API type here to delay class loading.

      a bound for the result of createFor(T)
    • createFor

      @NonNull public abstract Collection<W> createFor(@NonNull T target)
      Creates widgets for a given object. This may be called frequently for the same object, so if your implementation is expensive, do your own caching.
      target - a widgetable object
      a possible empty set of widgets (typically either using Set.of()).
    • factoriesFor

      @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public static <T extends HasWidgets, W extends Widget> Iterable<WidgetFactory<T,W>> factoriesFor(Class<T> type, Class<W> widgetType)