Package hudson.slaves

Class NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode

Enclosing class:

public static class NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode extends Object
The node addition activity in progress.
  • Field Details

    • displayName

      public final String displayName
      Used to display this planned node to UI. Should ideally include the identifier unique to the node being provisioned (like the instance ID), but if such an identifier doesn't readily exist, this can be just a name of the template being provisioned (like the machine image ID.)
    • future

      public final Future<Node> future
      Used to launch and return a Node object. NodeProvisioner will check this Future's isDone() method to determine when to finalize this object.
    • numExecutors

      public final int numExecutors
      The number of executors that will be provided by the Node launched by this object. This is used for capacity planning in NodeProvisioner.update().
  • Constructor Details

    • PlannedNode

      public PlannedNode(String displayName, Future<Node> future, int numExecutors)
      Construct a PlannedNode instance without Cloud callback for finalization.
      displayName - Used to display this object in the UI.
      future - Used to launch a @{link Node} object.
      numExecutors - The number of executors that will be provided by the launched Node.
  • Method Details