Package hudson.slaves

Class ComputerListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChannelPinger, Computer.InternalComputerListener, JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller, LogRecorder.ComputerLogInitializer, NodeMonitorUpdater, StandardOutputSwapper, SystemProperties.AgentCopier

public abstract class ComputerListener extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Receives notifications about status changes of Computers.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • ComputerListener

      public ComputerListener()
  • Method Details

    • preLaunch

      public void preLaunch(Computer c, TaskListener taskListener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Called before a ComputerLauncher is asked to launch a connection with Computer.

      This enables you to do some configurable checks to see if we want to bring this agent online or if there are considerations that would keep us from doing so.

      Throwing AbortException would let you veto the launch operation. Other thrown exceptions will also have the same effect, but their stack trace will be dumped, so they are meant for error situation.

      c - Computer that's being launched. Never null.
      taskListener - Connected to the agent console log. Useful for reporting progress/errors on a lengthy operation. Never null.
      AbortException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener, and the computer will not become online.
    • onLaunchFailure

      public void onLaunchFailure(Computer c, TaskListener taskListener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Called when an agent attempted to connect via ComputerLauncher but it failed.
      c - Computer that was trying to launch. Never null.
      taskListener - Connected to the agent console log. Useful for reporting progress/errors on a lengthy operation. Never null.
    • preOnline

      public void preOnline(Computer c, hudson.remoting.Channel channel, FilePath root, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Called before a Computer is marked online.

      This enables you to do some work on all the agents as they get connected. Unlike onOnline(Computer, TaskListener), a failure to carry out this function normally will prevent a computer from marked as online.

      channel - This is the channel object to talk to the agent. (This is the same object returned by Computer.getChannel() once it's connected.
      root - The directory where this agent stores files. The same as Node.getRootPath(), except that method returns null until the agent is connected. So this parameter is passed explicitly instead.
      listener - This is connected to the launch log of the computer. Since this method is called synchronously from the thread that launches a computer, if this method performs a time-consuming operation, this listener should be notified of the progress. This is also a good listener for reporting problems.
      IOException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener, and the computer will not become online.
      InterruptedException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener, and the computer will not become online.
      See Also:
    • onOnline

      @Deprecated public void onOnline(Computer c)
      Called right after a Computer comes online.
    • onOnline

      public void onOnline(Computer c, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Called right after a Computer comes online.

      This enables you to do some work on all the agents as they get connected. Any thrown Exceptions will be recorded to the listener. No Exception will put the computer offline, however any Error will put the computer offline since they indicate unrecoverable conditions.

      Starting Hudson 1.312, this method is also invoked for the master, not just for agents.

      listener - This is connected to the launch log of the computer or Jenkins master. Since this method is called synchronously from the thread that launches a computer, if this method performs a time-consuming operation, this listener should be notified of the progress. This is also a good listener for reporting problems.
      IOException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener. Note that throwing an exception doesn't put the computer offline.
      InterruptedException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener. Note that throwing an exception doesn't put the computer offline.
      See Also:
    • onOffline

      @Deprecated public void onOffline(Computer c)
      since 1.571. Use onOffline(Computer, OfflineCause) instead.
      Called right after a Computer went offline.
    • onOffline

      public void onOffline(@NonNull Computer c, @CheckForNull OfflineCause cause)
      Called right after a Computer went offline.
    • onTemporarilyOnline

      public void onTemporarilyOnline(Computer c)
      Indicates that the computer was marked as temporarily online by the administrator. This is the reverse operation of onTemporarilyOffline(Computer, OfflineCause)
    • onTemporarilyOffline

      public void onTemporarilyOffline(Computer c, OfflineCause cause)
      Indicates that the computer was marked as temporarily offline by the administrator. This is the reverse operation of onTemporarilyOnline(Computer)
    • onConfigurationChange

      public void onConfigurationChange()
      Called when configuration of the node was changed, a node is added/removed, etc.

      This callback is to signal when there's any change to the list of agents registered to the system, including addition, removal, changing of the setting, and so on.

    • onIdle

      public void onIdle(Computer c)
      Indicates that the computer has become idle.
    • register

      @Deprecated public final void register()
      as of 1.286 put Extension on your class to have it auto-registered.
      Registers this ComputerListener so that it will start receiving events.
    • unregister

      public final boolean unregister()
      Unregisters this ComputerListener so that it will never receive further events.

      Unless ComputerListener is unregistered, it will never be a subject of GC.

    • all

      public static ExtensionList<ComputerListener> all()
      All the registered ComputerListeners.