Uses of Package
Packages that use org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po
Glue to write acceptance tests in JUnit.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptanceClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.A container that stores nested items like
.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Page object for login page.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.docker.fixturesClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.Built-in standard slave type.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.An agent page object.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.junitClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.active_directoryClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Global security configuration UI.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Base type for
for Security Realm. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.antClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.artifactoryClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.audit_trailClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Page object for the system configuration page.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.authorize_projectClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Global security configuration UI.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.build_timeoutClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.coberturaClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.compress_artifactsClassDescriptionGlobal page area to configure Artifact management.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.config_file_providerClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.A container that stores nested items likejobs
.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.configuration_as_codeClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.copyartifactClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.credentialsClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.A container that stores nested items likejobs
.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.credentialsbindingClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.cspClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.dashboard_viewClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Page object for view, which is a collection of jobs rendered in the UI. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.dashboard_view.controlsClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.dashboard_view.readClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.deployClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.description_setterClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.disk_usageClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Page object for the system configuration page.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Plugin page object at$JENKINS_URL/plugin/$value/
. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.docker_build_stepClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.email_extClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.envinjectClassDescriptionCommon part of
Page object action.AnnotateAction
for autoregistration.Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.external_workspace_managerClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Page object for the system configuration page.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.An agent page object.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.extra_columnsClassDescriptionAbstract base class for configuring dash board columns.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Marker Interface for
that corresponds to selectable columns.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.gerrit_triggerClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.gitClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Base type for
for SCM configuration. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.git_clientClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.git_client.ssh_host_key_verificationClassDescriptionAnnotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.gitlab_pluginClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
that can be configured and saved.A container owns jobs and views.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.A container that stores nested items likejobs
.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Super class for top level items.A pipeline multi-branch job (requires installation of multi-branch-project-plugin). -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.gradleClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.groovyClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.groovy_postbuildClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.html_publisherClassDescriptionCommon part of
Page object action.AnnotateAction
for autoregistration.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.jabberClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.jacocoClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.javadocClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.jiraClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.job_config_historyClassDescriptionPage object action.Annotate
for autoregistration.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Job Page object superclass.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.job_dslClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.ldapClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Global security configuration UI.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.logparserClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.mail_watcherClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.An agent page object.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.mailerClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.matrix_authClassDescriptionBase type for
for Authorization Strategy.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Global security configuration UI.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.mavenClassDescriptionCommon part of
BuildStep page object for a Windows Batch Command.Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core.Super class for top level items. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.mock_security_realmClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Global security configuration UI.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Base type for
for Security Realm. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.msbuildClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.mstestrunnerClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.nested_viewClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
that can be configured and saved.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Page object for view, which is a collection of jobs rendered in the UI.Mix-in forPageObject
s that own a group of views, likeJenkins
. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.nodelabelparameterClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Parameter for builds. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.parameterized_triggerClassDescriptionCommon part of
Job build step.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.post_build_scriptClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.priority_sorterClassDescriptionPage object action.Annotate
for autoregistration.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.project_description_setterClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.rvmClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.script_securityClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.scriptlerClassDescriptionPage object action.Annotate
for autoregistration.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Common base for Jenkins and Slave.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.ssh_credentialsClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.ssh_slavesClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Configuration fragment for computer launcher.Configuration fragment for computer launcher.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.stageviewClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.subversionClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Base type forPageAreaImpl
for SCM configuration. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.textfinderClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.timestamperClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.workflow_multibranchClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element in
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.A pipeline multi-branch job (requires installation of multi-branch-project-plugin). -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.ws_cleanupClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.xunitClassDescriptionCommon part of
Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core. -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.plugins.xvncClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Special kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.poClassDescriptionCommon part of
Page object action.Artifact of a buildGlobal page area to configure Artifact management.Base type forPageArea
for Authorization Strategy.Page area for matrix axis.BuildStep page object for a Windows Batch Command.Job build step.PO for `/build` page that wait for user to specify parameters.Interface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Launch slave executing command on master.Configuration fragment for computer launcher.PageObject
that can be configured and saved.A container owns jobs and views.PageObject
that represents a model that has multiple views underneath.Wraps a specific form element inPageAreaImpl
to provide operations.Annotation used to register implementations to be discovered automatically.A container that stores nested items likejobs
.Result of form field validation.Global security configuration UI.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Page object for the system configuration page.Job Page object superclass.Marker Interface forListView
that corresponds to selectable columns.Page object for login page.Specific combination of axis values.Different Jenkins model objects often share a common trait, and for better reuse it makes sense to split them off into a separate page object.Common base for Jenkins and Slave.Class representing the entry controls for the configuration mode when using the oic-auth pluginSecurity Realm provided by oic-auth pluginSpecial kind of page object that maps to a portion of a page with multiple INPUT controls.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.Parameter for builds.Installed plugin.Page object for plugin manager.Marker Interface forPageArea
that corresponds to 'Publisher' in the core.Base type forPageAreaImpl
for SCM configuration.Base type forPageAreaImpl
for Security Realm.An agent page object.Mix-in for slaves.Super class for top level items.Base type forPageAreaImpl
for trigger.Page object for view, which is a collection of jobs rendered in the UI.Mix-in forPageObject
s that own a group of views, likeJenkins
.Page object for Wizard Create admin userPage object for Wizard Customize Jenkins Page.Page object for Wizard Login page.A pipeline multi-branch job (requires installation of multi-branch-project-plugin). -
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.recorder
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.slaveClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.An agent page object.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.update_center
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utilsClassDescription
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utils.keycloackClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.
Classes in org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po used by org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utils.pluginTestsClassDescriptionInterface for assisting porting from Capybara.For assisting porting from Capybara.Top-level object that acts as an entry point to various systems.Encapsulates a model in Jenkins and wraps interactions with it.