Klasse DetailsTableModel.TableRow

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
BlamesModel.BlamesRow, DuplicateCodeScanner.DryModel.DuplicationRow, ForensicsModel.ForensicsRow, IssuesModel.IssuesRow, RevApi.RevApiModel.RevApiRow
Umschließende Klasse:

public static class DetailsTableModel.TableRow extends Object
Base class for table rows. Contains columns that should be used by all tables.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • TableRow

      protected TableRow(StaticAnalysisLabelProvider.AgeBuilder ageBuilder, FileNameRenderer fileNameRenderer, DescriptionProvider descriptionProvider, edu.hm.hafner.analysis.Issue issue, io.jenkins.plugins.util.JenkinsFacade jenkinsFacade)
      ageBuilder - renders the age column
      fileNameRenderer - renders the file name column
      descriptionProvider - renders the description text
      issue - the issue to show in the row
      jenkinsFacade - Jenkins facade to be replaced with a stub during unit tests
  • Methodendetails

    • formatSeverity

      protected final String formatSeverity(edu.hm.hafner.analysis.Severity severity)
      Formats the text of the severity column.
      severity - the severity of the issue
      Gibt zurück:
      the formatted column
    • formatProperty

      protected final String formatProperty(String property, String value)
      Formats the text of the specified property column. The text actually is a link to the UI representation of the property.
      property - the property to format
      value - the value of the property
      Gibt zurück:
      the formatted column
    • render

      protected final String render(j2html.tags.UnescapedText text)
      Renders the specified HTML code. Removes unsafe HTML constructs.
      text - the HTML to render
      Gibt zurück:
      safe HTML
    • render

      protected final String render(String html)
      Renders the specified HTML code. Removes unsafe HTML constructs.
      html - the HTML to render
      Gibt zurück:
      safe HTML
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
    • getFileName

      public io.jenkins.plugins.datatables.DetailedCell<String> getFileName()
    • getAge

      public String getAge()