Class TimeseriesQueryMessage

  • public class TimeseriesQueryMessage
    extends Object
    Contains settings for a timeseries query.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeseriesQueryMessage

        public TimeseriesQueryMessage()
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeseriesId

        public String getTimeseriesId()
        Case-sensitive identifier of the metric, where you want to read data points. You can find a list of available built-in Dynatrace metrics in the Available timeseries section, and plugin-driven metrics in the Plugin timeseries section. You can also execute a GET timeseries request, to obtain the list of available metrics.
      • setTimeseriesId

        public void setTimeseriesId​(String timeseriesId)
      • getAggregationType

        public AggregationTypeEnum getAggregationType()
        Defines which aggregation type is used for the resulting metric. If the requested metric doesn't support the specified aggregation, the request will result in an error.
      • getStartTimestamp

        public Long getStartTimestamp()
        Start of timeframe in milliseconds since Unix epoch.
      • setStartTimestamp

        public void setStartTimestamp​(Long startTimestamp)
      • getEndTimestamp

        public Long getEndTimestamp()
        End of timeframe in milliseconds since Unix epoch. Must be larger(later) than start timestamp. If the given timestamp is larger than the actual time, then the actual time is used instead.
      • setEndTimestamp

        public void setEndTimestamp​(Long endTimestamp)
      • isPredict

        public Boolean isPredict()
        Used to predict future Values
      • setPredict

        public void setPredict​(Boolean predict)
      • getQueryMode

        public QueryModeEnum getQueryMode()
        Defines the type of result that the call should return. Valid result modes are: series: returns all the data points of the metric in the specified timeframe. total: returns one scalar value for the specified timeframe. By default, the series mode is used.
      • setQueryMode

        public void setQueryMode​(QueryModeEnum queryMode)
      • getEntities

        public List<String> getEntities()
        Filters requested data points by entities which should deliver them. You can specify several entities at once. Allowed values are Dynatrace entity IDs. You can find them in the URL of the corresponding Dynatrace entity page, for example, HOST-007. If the selected entity doesn't support the requested metric, the request will result in an error.
      • getTags

        public List<String> getTags()
        List of labels of entities that you want to fetch data for.
      • getFilters

        public Map<String,​String> getFilters()
        A filter is an object, containing map of filter keys and its values. Valid filter keys are: processType: Filters by process type. See Process types for allowed values. osType: Filters by operating system. See OS types for allowed values. serviceType: Filters by service type. See Service types for allowed values. technology: Filters by technology type. See Technology types for allowed values. webServiceName: Filters by web service name. webServiceNamespace: Filters by the web service namespace. host: Filters by entity ID of the host, for example HOST-007.
      • getPercentile

        public Integer getPercentile()
        In case of the percentile aggregation type, this parameter specifies which percentile of the selected response time metric should be delivered. Valid values for percentile are between 1 and 99. Please keep in mind that percentile export is only possible for response-time based metrics such as application and service response times.
      • setPercentile

        public void setPercentile​(Integer percentile)