Class AbstractTestResultAction<T extends AbstractTestResultAction>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Action, HealthReportingAction, ModelObject, RunAction2
Direct Known Subclasses:
AggregatedTestResultAction, AggregatedTestResultPublisher.TestResultAction, TestResultAction

@ExportedBean public abstract class AbstractTestResultAction<T extends AbstractTestResultAction> extends Object implements HealthReportingAction, RunAction2
Common base class for recording test result.

Project and Build recognizes Actions that derive from this, and displays it nicely (regardless of the underlying implementation.)

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractTestResultAction

      protected AbstractTestResultAction()
    • AbstractTestResultAction

      @Deprecated protected AbstractTestResultAction(Run owner)
      Use the default constructor and just call Run.addAction(hudson.model.Action) to associate the build with the action.
    • AbstractTestResultAction

      @Deprecated protected AbstractTestResultAction(AbstractBuild owner)
  • Method Details

    • onAttached

      public void onAttached(Run<?,?> r)
      Specified by:
      onAttached in interface RunAction2
    • onLoad

      public void onLoad(Run<?,?> r)
      Specified by:
      onLoad in interface RunAction2
    • getFailCount

      @Exported(visibility=2) public abstract int getFailCount()
      Gets the number of failed tests.
    • getSkipCount

      @Exported(visibility=2) public int getSkipCount()
      Gets the number of skipped tests.
    • getTotalCount

      @Exported(visibility=2) public abstract int getTotalCount()
      Gets the total number of tests.
    • getFailureDiffString

      public final String getFailureDiffString()
      Gets the diff string of failures.
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Action
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
    • getUrlName

      @Exported(visibility=2) public String getUrlName()
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface Action
    • getIconFileName

      public String getIconFileName()
      Specified by:
      getIconFileName in interface Action
    • getBuildHealth

      public HealthReport getBuildHealth()
      Specified by:
      getBuildHealth in interface HealthReportingAction
    • getHealthScaleFactor

      public double getHealthScaleFactor()
      Returns how much to scale the test related health by.
      a factor of 1.0 to have the test health be the percentage of tests passing so 20% of tests failing will report as 80% health. A factor of 2.0 will mean that 20% of tests failing will report as 60% health. A factor of 2.5 will mean that 20% of test failing will report as 50% health. A factor of 4.0 will mean that 20% of tests failing will report as 20% health. A factor of 5.0 will mean that 20% (or more) of tests failing will report as 0% health. A factor of 0.0 will disable test health reporting.
    • getApi

      public Api getApi()
      Exposes this object to the remote API.
    • getResult

      public abstract Object getResult()
      Returns the object that represents the actual test result. This method is used by the remote API so that the XML/JSON that we are sending won't contain unnecessary indirection (that is, AbstractTestResultAction in between.

      If such a concept doesn't make sense for a particular subtype, return this.

    • getPreviousResult

      public T getPreviousResult()
      Gets the test result of the previous build, if it's recorded, or null.
    • getPreviousResult

      @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public <U extends AbstractTestResultAction> U getPreviousResult(Class<U> type, boolean eager)
    • findPreviousCorresponding

      public TestResult findPreviousCorresponding(TestResult test)
    • findCorrespondingResult

      public TestResult findCorrespondingResult(String id)
    • getFailedTests

      public List<? extends TestResult> getFailedTests()
      A shortcut for summary.jelly
      List of failed tests from associated test result.
    • getPassedTests

      @NonNull public List<? extends TestResult> getPassedTests()
      A shortcut for scripting
      List of passed tests from associated test result.
    • getSkippedTests

      @NonNull public List<? extends TestResult> getSkippedTests()
      A shortcut for scripting
      List of skipped tests from associated test result.
    • doGraph

      @Deprecated public void doGraph(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException
      Replaced by echarts in TODO
      Generates a PNG image for the test result trend.
    • doGraphMap

      public void doGraphMap(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException
      Generates a clickable map HTML for doGraph(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse).
    • getTestResultPath

      public String getTestResultPath(TestResult it)
      Returns a full path down to a test result
    • getDescription

      protected String getDescription(TestObject object)
      TestObjects do not have their own persistence mechanism, so updatable data of TestObjects need to be persisted by the owning AbstractTestResultAction, and this method and setDescription(TestObject, String) provides that logic.

      The default implementation stores information in the 'this' object.

      See Also:
    • setDescription

      protected void setDescription(TestObject object, String description)
    • readResolve

      public Object readResolve()