Package hudson.slaves

Class CommandLauncher

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<ComputerLauncher>

public class CommandLauncher extends ComputerLauncher
ComputerLauncher through a remote login mechanism like ssh/rsh.
Stephen Connolly, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandLauncher

      @DataBoundConstructor public CommandLauncher(String command)
      Constructor for use from UI. Conditionally approves the script.
      command - the command to run pending approval
      See Also:
    • CommandLauncher

      public CommandLauncher(String command, EnvVars env)
      Constructor for programmatic use. Always approves the script.
      command - the single command to run; note: this can't be a shell statement (e.g. "echo foo > bar; baz" -- if you need to do that, either use "sh -c" or write the expression into a script and point to the script)
      env - environment variables for the launcher to include when it runs the command
  • Method Details