All Classes and Interfaces

Matches builds that age is between given days range.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for BuildAgeRangeCondition.
Matches builds that description is equal, contains or matches given pattern.
Matches method for the pattern
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for BuildDescriptionCondition.
Custom implementation of BuildDiscarder
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for BuildHistoryManager.
Matches builds with build number between given number range.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for BuildNumberRangeCondition.
Matches builds that have expected build results.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for BuildResultCondition.
Matches builds for which class name of Cause matches given class.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for CauseCondition.
Prepend to job description
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for ChangeBuildDescriptionAction.
Decides if the build matches given criteria to be updated or not.
Deletes the artifacts.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for DeleteArtifactsAction.
Deletes the build.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for DeleteBuildAction.
Deletes the build log file.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for DeleteLogFileAction.
Matches every build.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for MatchEveryBuildCondition.
Generated localization support class.
Stores configuration used by Rule.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for Rule.
Matches macro with given value.
Descriptor implementation needed to render UI for TokenMacroCondition.