Package hudson.tasks

Class ArtifactArchiver

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<Publisher>, BuildStep, SimpleBuildStep

public class ArtifactArchiver extends Recorder implements SimpleBuildStep
Copies the artifacts into an archive directory.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ArtifactArchiver

      @DataBoundConstructor public ArtifactArchiver(String artifacts)
    • ArtifactArchiver

      @Deprecated public ArtifactArchiver(String artifacts, String excludes, boolean latestOnly)
    • ArtifactArchiver

      @Deprecated public ArtifactArchiver(String artifacts, String excludes, boolean latestOnly, boolean allowEmptyArchive)
    • ArtifactArchiver

      @Deprecated public ArtifactArchiver(String artifacts, String excludes, boolean latestOnly, boolean allowEmptyArchive, boolean onlyIfSuccessful)
    • ArtifactArchiver

      @Deprecated public ArtifactArchiver(String artifacts, String excludes, boolean latestOnly, boolean allowEmptyArchive, boolean onlyIfSuccessful, Boolean defaultExcludes)
  • Method Details

    • readResolve

      protected Object readResolve()
    • getArtifacts

      public String getArtifacts()
    • getExcludes

      @CheckForNull public String getExcludes()
    • setExcludes

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setExcludes(@CheckForNull String excludes)
    • isLatestOnly

      @Deprecated public boolean isLatestOnly()
    • isOnlyIfSuccessful

      public boolean isOnlyIfSuccessful()
    • setOnlyIfSuccessful

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setOnlyIfSuccessful(boolean onlyIfSuccessful)
    • isFingerprint

      public boolean isFingerprint()
    • setFingerprint

      @DataBoundSetter public void setFingerprint(boolean fingerprint)
      Whether to fingerprint the artifacts after we archive them.
    • getAllowEmptyArchive

      public boolean getAllowEmptyArchive()
    • setAllowEmptyArchive

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setAllowEmptyArchive(boolean allowEmptyArchive)
    • isDefaultExcludes

      public boolean isDefaultExcludes()
    • setDefaultExcludes

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setDefaultExcludes(boolean defaultExcludes)
    • isCaseSensitive

      public boolean isCaseSensitive()
    • setCaseSensitive

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)
    • isFollowSymlinks

      public boolean isFollowSymlinks()
    • setFollowSymlinks

      @DataBoundSetter public final void setFollowSymlinks(boolean followSymlinks)
    • perform

      public void perform(Run<?,?> build, FilePath ws, EnvVars environment, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from interface: SimpleBuildStep
      Run this step.

      This method must be overridden when this step requires a workspace context. If such a context is not required, it does not need to be overridden; it will then forward to SimpleBuildStep.perform(Run, EnvVars, TaskListener).

      Specified by:
      perform in interface SimpleBuildStep
      build - a build this is running as a part of
      ws - a workspace to use for any file operations
      environment - environment variables applicable to this step
      launcher - a way to start processes
      listener - a place to send output
      IOException - if something goes wrong; use AbortException for a polite error
      InterruptedException - if the step is interrupted
    • getRequiredMonitorService

      public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService()
      Description copied from interface: BuildStep
      Declares the scope of the synchronization monitor this BuildStep expects from outside.

      This method is introduced for preserving compatibility with plugins written for earlier versions of Hudson, which never run multiple builds of the same job in parallel. Such plugins often assume that the outcome of the previous build is completely available, which is no longer true when we do concurrent builds.

      To minimize the necessary code change for such plugins, BuildStep implementations can request Hudson to externally perform synchronization before executing them. This behavior is as follows:

      This BuildStep is only executed after the previous build is fully completed (thus fully restoring the earlier semantics of one build at a time.)
      This BuildStep is only executed after the same step in the previous build is completed. For build steps that use a weaker assumption and only rely on the output from the same build step of the early builds, this improves the concurrency.
      No external synchronization is performed on this build step. This is the most efficient, and thus the recommended value for newer plugins. Wherever necessary, you can directly use CheckPoints to perform necessary synchronizations.

      Migrating Older Implementations: If you are migrating BuildStep implementations written for earlier versions of Hudson, here's what you can do:

      • To demand the backward compatible behavior from Jenkins, leave this method unoverridden, and make no other changes to the code. This will prevent users from reaping the benefits of concurrent builds, but at least your plugin will work correctly, and therefore this is a good easy first step.
      • If your build step doesn't use anything from a previous build (for example, if you don't even call Run.getPreviousBuild()), then you can return BuildStepMonitor.NONE without making further code changes and you are done with migration.
      • If your build step only depends on Actions that you added in the previous build by yourself, then you only need BuildStepMonitor.STEP scope synchronization. Return it from this method ,and you are done with migration without any further code changes.
      • If your build step makes more complex assumptions, return BuildStepMonitor.NONE and use CheckPoints directly in your code. The general idea is to call CheckPoint.block() before you try to access the state from the previous build.
      Specified by:
      getRequiredMonitorService in interface BuildStep