Package hudson

Class EnvVars

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,String>, NavigableMap<String,String>, SortedMap<String,String>

public class EnvVars extends TreeMap<String,String>
Environment variables.

While all the platforms I tested (Linux 2.6, Solaris, and Windows XP) have the case sensitive environment variable table, Windows batch script handles environment variable in the case preserving but case insensitive way (that is, cmd.exe can get both FOO and foo as environment variables when it's launched, and the "set" command will display it accordingly, but "echo %foo%" results in echoing the value of "FOO", not "foo" — this is presumably caused by the behavior of the underlying Win32 API GetEnvironmentVariable acting in case insensitive way.) Windows users are also used to write environment variable case-insensitively (like %Path% vs %PATH%), and you can see many documents on the web that claims Windows environment variables are case insensitive.

So for a consistent cross platform behavior, it creates the least confusion to make the table case insensitive but case preserving.

In Jenkins, often we need to build up "environment variable overrides" on the controller, then to execute the process on agents. This causes a problem when working with variables like PATH. So to make this work, we introduce a special convention PATH+FOO — all entries that starts with PATH+ are merged and prepended to the inherited PATH variable, on the process where a new process is executed.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • masterEnvVars

      public static final Map<String,String> masterEnvVars
      Environmental variables that we've inherited.

      Despite what the name might imply, this is the environment variable of the current JVM process. And therefore, it is the Jenkins controller's environment variables only when you access this from the controller.

      If you access this field from agents, then this is the environment variable of the agent.

  • Constructor Details

    • EnvVars

      public EnvVars()
    • EnvVars

      public EnvVars(@NonNull Map<String,String> m)
    • EnvVars

      public EnvVars(@NonNull EnvVars m)
    • EnvVars

      public EnvVars(String... keyValuePairs)
      Builds an environment variables from an array of the form "key","value","key","value"...
  • Method Details

    • getPlatform

      @CheckForNull public Platform getPlatform()
      Gets the platform for which these env vars targeted.
      The platform.
    • setPlatform

      public void setPlatform(@NonNull Platform platform)
      Sets the platform for which these env vars target.
      platform - the platform to set.
    • override

      public void override(String key, String value)
      Overrides the current entry by the given entry.

      Handles PATH+XYZ notation.

    • overrideAll

      public EnvVars overrideAll(Map<String,String> all)
      Overrides all values in the map by the given map. See override(String, String).
    • overrideExpandingAll

      public EnvVars overrideExpandingAll(@NonNull Map<String,String> all)
      Overrides all values in the map by the given map. Expressions in values will be expanded. See override(String, String).
    • resolve

      public static void resolve(Map<String,String> env)
      Resolves environment variables against each other.
    • get

      public String get(String key, String defaultValue)
      Convenience message
    • put

      public String put(String key, String value)
      Specified by:
      put in interface Map<String,String>
      put in class TreeMap<String,String>
    • putIfNotNull

      public void putIfNotNull(String key, String value)
      Add a key/value but only if the value is not-null. Otherwise no-op.
    • putAllNonNull

      public void putAllNonNull(Map<String,String> map)
      Add entire map but filter null values out.
    • addLine

      public void addLine(String line)
      Takes a string that looks like "a=b" and adds that to this map.
    • expand

      public String expand(String s)
      Expands the variables in the given string by using environment variables represented in 'this'.
    • createCookie

      public static EnvVars createCookie()
      Creates a magic cookie that can be used as the model environment variable when we later kill the processes.
    • getRemote

      public static EnvVars getRemote(hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Obtains the environment variables of a remote peer.
      channel - Can be null, in which case the map indicating "N/A" will be returned.
      A fresh copy that can be owned and modified by the caller.