Package hudson.slaves

Class CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy<T extends Computer>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<RetentionStrategy<?>>

public class CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> extends RetentionStrategy<T>
Default convenience implementation of RetentionStrategy for agents provisioned from Cloud. If an agent is idle for 10 mins, this retention strategy will remove the agent. This can be used as-is for a Node provisioned by cloud to implement the auto-scaling semantics, it can be subtyped to tweak the behavior, or it can be used as an example.

TODO CloudRetentionStrategy seems to be a better implementation.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details


      public static long TIMEOUT
  • Constructor Details

    • CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy

      public CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy()
  • Method Details

    • check

      public long check(T c)
      Description copied from class: RetentionStrategy
      This method will be called periodically to allow this strategy to decide what to do with its owning agent.
      Specified by:
      check in class RetentionStrategy<T extends Computer>
      c - Computer for which this strategy is assigned. This computer may be online or offline. This object also exposes a bunch of properties that the callee can use to decide what action to take.
      The number of minutes after which the strategy would like to be checked again. The strategy may be rechecked earlier or later than this!
    • kill

      protected void kill(Node n) throws IOException
      Remove the node.

      To actually deallocate the resource tied to this Node, implement Computer.onRemoved().

    • checkCycle

      protected long checkCycle()
      When do we check again next time?
    • isIdleForTooLong

      protected boolean isIdleForTooLong(T c)
      Has this computer been idle for too long?
    • getIdleMaxTime

      protected long getIdleMaxTime()
      If the computer has been idle longer than this time, we'll kill the agent.