Class LdapSecurityRealm<T extends LdapGroupMembershipStrategy>

All Implemented Interfaces:
CapybaraPortingLayer, Control.Owner, PageArea
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LdapSecurityRealm<T extends LdapGroupMembershipStrategy> extends SecurityRealm
SecurityRealm for ldap plugin.
Michael Prankl
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ldapServer

      protected final Control ldapServer
    • advancedServer

      protected final Control advancedServer
    • rootDn

      protected final Control rootDn
    • managerDn

      protected final Control managerDn
    • managerPassword

      protected final Control managerPassword
    • userSearchBase

      protected final Control userSearchBase
    • userSearchFilter

      protected final Control userSearchFilter
    • groupSearchBase

      protected final Control groupSearchBase
    • groupSearchFilter

      protected final Control groupSearchFilter
    • groupMembershipFilter

      protected final Control groupMembershipFilter
      only available prior ldap plugin version 1.10
    • disableLdapEmailResolver

      protected final Control disableLdapEmailResolver
    • enableCache

      protected final Control enableCache
    • addEnvVariableButton

      protected final Control addEnvVariableButton
    • advanced

      protected final Control advanced
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(LdapDetails<T> ldapDetails)
      Fills the input fields for ldap access control.
    • configureGroupMembership

      protected void configureGroupMembership(LdapDetails<T> ldapDetails)
      Subclasses can override this to handle group membership differently.