- ZAP - Static variable in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.Utils
- ZAPAuthScriptParam - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
This object allows to add a script parameters dynamically.
- ZAPAuthScriptParam(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPAuthScriptParam
- ZAPAuthScriptParam.ZAPAuthScriptParamDescriptorImpl - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
- ZAPAuthScriptParamDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPAuthScriptParam.ZAPAuthScriptParamDescriptorImpl
- ZAPBuilder - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
The main class of the plugin.
- ZAPBuilder(boolean, String, String, ZAPDriver) - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPBuilder
The @DataBoundConstructor is a constructor and it's parameter names must match the fields in associated config file "com/github/jenkinsci/zaproxyplugin/ZAPBuilder/config.jelly" and additional can set the parameter values for the global configurations "com/github/jenkinsci/zaproxyplugin/ZAPBuilder/global.jelly".
- ZAPBuilder.ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
- ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPBuilder.ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl
- ZAPCmdLine - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
This object allows to add a ZAP command line option.
- ZAPCmdLine(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPCmdLine
- ZAPCmdLine.ZAPCmdLineDescriptorImpl - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
- ZAPCmdLineDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPCmdLine.ZAPCmdLineDescriptorImpl
- ZAPDriver - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
Contains methods to start and execute ZAPDriver.
- ZAPDriver(boolean, String, String, String, int, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, List<ZAPAuthScriptParam>, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, List<String>, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, List<ZAPCmdLine>) - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPDriver
- ZAPDriver.ZAPDriverDescriptorImpl - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap
- ZAPDriverDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.ZAPDriver.ZAPDriverDescriptorImpl
In order to load the persisted global configuration, you have to call load() in the constructor.
- ZAPReport - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report
This abstract class is used to generate report in ZAP available format.
- ZAPReport() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report.ZAPReport
- ZAPReportCollection - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report
This class contains all ZAPreport instance of the application.
- ZAPReportHTML - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report
Used to generate ZAP report in html.
- ZAPReportHTML() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report.ZAPReportHTML
- ZAPReportXML - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report
Used to generate ZAP report in xml.
- ZAPReportXML() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap.report.ZAPReportXML