Interface FlowChunkWithContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MemoryFlowChunk, ParallelMemoryFlowChunk

public interface FlowChunkWithContext extends FlowChunk
FlowChunk with information about what comes before/after
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the node after this chunk, or null if it is the end
    Return the node before this chunk, or null if it is the beginning

    Methods inherited from interface org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.graphanalysis.FlowChunk

    getFirstNode, getLastNode
  • Method Details

    • getNodeBefore

      @CheckForNull FlowNode getNodeBefore()
      Return the node before this chunk, or null if it is the beginning
    • getNodeAfter

      @CheckForNull FlowNode getNodeAfter()
      Return the node after this chunk, or null if it is the end