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addExtension(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
extension assembly or "class, assembly".
addIncludePath(FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Candle
add to include search path.
ADDING_OBJECT_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
adding object file: %s
ADDING_SOURCE_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
adding source file: %s
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
define a parameter for the preprocessor.
addWorkspace(FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
args - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


Candle - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Wix Command definition for Windows Installer Xml Compiler (candle.exe).
Candle(ToolsetSettings, EnvVars) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Candle
Candle(Launcher, ToolsetSettings, EnvVars) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Candle
CANNOT_FIND_COMPILER_IN_DIRECTORY() - Static method in class Messages
Cannot find compiler in directory.
check() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
checks if command is properly configured.
compile(FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Compiles the given source file.
compile(FilePath[]) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Compiles a set of source files.
compile(FilePath[], FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Compiles a set of source files into a given object file.
COMPILE_ONLY - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
COMPILER - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
COMPILER_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Compiler found.
COMPILER_NOT_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Compiler not found.
COMPILING_FAILED() - Static method in class Messages
Compiling failed.
COMPILING_SUCCESSFUL() - Static method in class Messages
Compiling successful.
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
createCommand() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Candle
createCommand() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
create command before execution. createCommand is used by execute().


de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix - package de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
debug(String) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
logs a simple debug message.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
logs a formatted debug message.
DEBUG_ENBL - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
DEF_LOV_TO_REJECT - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
DETECTING_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES() - Static method in class Messages
Detecting environment variables...
doCheckInstPath(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
doCheckMsiOutput(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
doCheckRejectedVarsList(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
doCheckSource(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'name'.
DOES_NOT_EXIST() - Static method in class Messages
Does not exist.
doFillArchItems() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
Creates the ListBoxModel from enum Wix.Arch.


ENABLE_DEBUG(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Enable Debug: {0}
enableDebugLogging(boolean) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
ENBL_ENV_AS_PARAM - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXCEPTION(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Exception: {0}
exec - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
execute() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
executes command and parses the output checking for errors.
EXECUTING_COMMAND() - Static method in class Messages
Executing command: %s
exists() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
Checks if binary exists and toolset is properly installed.
EXPECTING_IN_PATH() - Static method in class Messages
Expecting the bin-directory of WiX installation in environment variable PATH.
EXT_BAL - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_COMPLUS - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_DIFXAPP - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_DIRECTX - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_FIREWALL - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_GAMING - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_IIS - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_MSMQ - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_NETFX - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_PS - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_SQL - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_TAG - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_UI - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_UTIL - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
EXT_VS - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
extensions - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


FOUND(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Found: {0}
FOUND_SOURCES(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Found sources: {0}


get(String, String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
get(String, boolean) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
get(String, double) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
getArch() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getCompileOnly() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getDescriptor() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
This human readable name is used in the configuration screen.
getEnableDebug() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
getEnableVars() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
getInstPath() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
This method returns true if the global configuration says we should speak French.
getMarkAsUnstable() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getMsiOutput() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getOutputFile() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
Returns the output file generated by Wix command.
getRejectedVarsList() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
getSources() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getStream() - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
Returns stream for injection into Jenkins ProcessLauncher.
getUseBalExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseComPlusExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseDependencyExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseDifxAppExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseDirectXExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUsedOnSlave() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
getUseFirewallExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseGamingExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseIISExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseMsmqExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseNetfxExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUsePsExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseSqlExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseTagExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseUiExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseUtilExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getUseVsExt() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
getValue(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
Helper method for reading settings by their name.


hasNoErrors() - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger


init(PrintStream) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
initializes logger with print stream.
init(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
initializes logger with print stream and enables or disables logging of debug messages.
INITIALIZING_TOOLS() - Static method in class Messages
Initializing tools...
INST_PATH - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
isEnvVarRejected(String, String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


launcher - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
lg - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
link(FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Links the given object file into an MSI package.
link(FilePath[]) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Links a set of given object files into an MSI package.
link(FilePath[], FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Links a set of given object files into an MSI package.
link(FilePath, FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
Wrapper method for link.
LINKER - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
LINKER_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Linker found.
LINKER_NOT_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Linker not found.
LINKING_FAILED() - Static method in class Messages
Linking failed.
LINKING_SUCCESSFUL() - Static method in class Messages
Linking successful.
LINKING_TO(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Linking to file: {0}
log(String) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
logs a simple message.
log(String, Object...) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
logs a formatted message.
LOV_REJECTED - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix


MARK_UNSTABLE - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
Messages - Class in <Unnamed>
Messages() - Constructor for class Messages
MSI_PKG - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
MSI_PKG_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix


NAME_TOO_SHORT() - Static method in class Messages
Isn't the name too short?
NO_VALID_OBJECT_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
no valid object file: %s
NO_VALID_SOURCE_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
no valid source file: %s
nologo - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
NOT_A_VALID_PACKAGE_NAME() - Static method in class Messages
Not a valid package name.
NOT_EXISTENT(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Not existent: {0}


OPERATION_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED() - Static method in class Messages
operation no longer supported.
outputFile - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


parameters - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
perform(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
PLEASE_SET_A_NAME() - Static method in class Messages
Please set a name


rejectedEnvVars - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
REQUIRED() - Static method in class Messages


SEARCHING_IN(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Searching in: {0}
set(String, String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
set(String, boolean) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
set(String, float) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
setArch(Wix.Arch) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Candle
set architecture defaults for package, components, etc.
setArchitecture(String) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
setNologo(boolean) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
skip printing logo information.
setOutputFile(FilePath) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
specify output file (default: write to current directory).
settings - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
verbose output.
setWxall(boolean) - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
treat all warnings as errors.
severe(Throwable) - Method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
Logs an exception including stacktrace.
SKIPPING_LINK() - Static method in class Messages
Skipping link process!
sourceFiles - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
STARTING_COMPILE_PROCESS() - Static method in class Messages
Starting compile process...


Toolset - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Toolset checks the existence for the WIX Toolset on the buildsystem.
Toolset(AbstractBuild, Launcher, ToolsetSettings) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Toolset
TOOLSET_NOT_CONFIGURED() - Static method in class Messages
Toolset not configured.
ToolsetException - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Thrown in case of an exception while executing the Toolset.
ToolsetException(String) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetException
ToolsetException(Throwable) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetException
ToolsetLogger - Enum in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
internal logger which uses PrintStream from Jenkins Listener.
ToolsetSettings - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
ToolsetSettings() - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
ToolsetSettings(Properties) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetSettings
toString() - Method in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


USED_ON_SLAVE - Static variable in interface de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix
USING_DEFAULT_SETUP_MSI() - Static method in class Messages
Using default setup.msi


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix.Arch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.ToolsetLogger
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.Wix.Arch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


Wix - Interface in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Pre-defined keys.
Wix.Arch - Enum in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
preferred architecture for candle.
WIX_TOOLSET() - Static method in class Messages
WIX Toolset
WixCommand - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Abstract class for building commands.
WixCommand(Launcher, String, ToolsetSettings, EnvVars) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
WixDescriptorImpl - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
Descriptor for WixToolsetBuilder.
WixDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixDescriptorImpl
WixToolsetBuilder - Class in de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix
WIXToolset Builder.
WixToolsetBuilder(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixToolsetBuilder
workspace - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand
wxall - Variable in class de.berg.systeme.jenkins.wix.WixCommand


_ADDING_OBJECT_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
adding object file: %s
_ADDING_SOURCE_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
adding source file: %s
_CANNOT_FIND_COMPILER_IN_DIRECTORY() - Static method in class Messages
Cannot find compiler in directory.
_COMPILER_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Compiler found.
_COMPILER_NOT_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Compiler not found.
_COMPILING_FAILED() - Static method in class Messages
Compiling failed.
_COMPILING_SUCCESSFUL() - Static method in class Messages
Compiling successful.
_DETECTING_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES() - Static method in class Messages
Detecting environment variables...
_DOES_NOT_EXIST() - Static method in class Messages
Does not exist.
_ENABLE_DEBUG(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Enable Debug: {0}
_EXCEPTION(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Exception: {0}
_EXECUTING_COMMAND() - Static method in class Messages
Executing command: %s
_EXPECTING_IN_PATH() - Static method in class Messages
Expecting the bin-directory of WiX installation in environment variable PATH.
_FOUND(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Found: {0}
_FOUND_SOURCES(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Found sources: {0}
_INITIALIZING_TOOLS() - Static method in class Messages
Initializing tools...
_LINKER_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Linker found.
_LINKER_NOT_FOUND() - Static method in class Messages
Linker not found.
_LINKING_FAILED() - Static method in class Messages
Linking failed.
_LINKING_SUCCESSFUL() - Static method in class Messages
Linking successful.
_LINKING_TO(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Linking to file: {0}
_NAME_TOO_SHORT() - Static method in class Messages
Isn't the name too short?
_NO_VALID_OBJECT_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
no valid object file: %s
_NO_VALID_SOURCE_FILE() - Static method in class Messages
no valid source file: %s
_NOT_A_VALID_PACKAGE_NAME() - Static method in class Messages
Not a valid package name.
_NOT_EXISTENT(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Not existent: {0}
_OPERATION_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED() - Static method in class Messages
operation no longer supported.
_PLEASE_SET_A_NAME() - Static method in class Messages
Please set a name
_REQUIRED() - Static method in class Messages
_SEARCHING_IN(Object) - Static method in class Messages
Searching in: {0}
_SKIPPING_LINK() - Static method in class Messages
Skipping link process!
_STARTING_COMPILE_PROCESS() - Static method in class Messages
Starting compile process...
_TOOLSET_NOT_CONFIGURED() - Static method in class Messages
Toolset not configured.
_USING_DEFAULT_SETUP_MSI() - Static method in class Messages
Using default setup.msi
_WIX_TOOLSET() - Static method in class Messages
WIX Toolset
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