public static final class WinDocksBuilder.DescriptorImpl
extends hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor<hudson.tasks.Builder>
. Used as a singleton.
The class is marked as public so that it can be accessed from views.
See src/main/resources/windockspkg/windocksplug/WinDocksBuilder/*.jelly for the actual HTML fragment for the configuration screen.
Constructor and Description |
In order to load the persisted global configuration, you have to
call load() in the constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
configure(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
net.sf.json.JSONObject formData) |
hudson.util.FormValidation |
doCheckIpAddress(String value)
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'ipaddress'.
hudson.util.ListBoxModel |
doFillImageItems(String ipaddress) |
String |
This human readable name is used in the configuration screen.
boolean |
isApplicable(Class<? extends hudson.model.AbstractProject> aClass) |
addHelpFileRedirect, calcAutoCompleteSettings, calcFillSettings, configure, doHelp, find, find, findByDescribableClassName, findById, getCheckMethod, getCheckUrl, getConfigFile, getConfigPage, getCurrentDescriptorByNameUrl, getDescriptorFullUrl, getDescriptorUrl, getGlobalConfigPage, getGlobalPropertyType, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getId, getJsonSafeClassName, getKlass, getPlugin, getPossibleViewNames, getPropertyType, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypeOrDie, getT, getViewPage, isInstance, isSubTypeOf, load, newInstance, newInstance, newInstancesFromHeteroList, newInstancesFromHeteroList, save, self, toArray, toList, toMap
public WinDocksBuilder.DescriptorImpl()
public hudson.util.FormValidation doCheckIpAddress(@QueryParameter String value) throws IOException, javax.servlet.ServletException
- This parameter receives the value that the user has typed.
Note that returning FormValidation.error(String)
does not
prevent the form from being saved. It just means that a message
will be displayed to the user.
public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends hudson.model.AbstractProject> aClass)
in class hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor<hudson.tasks.Builder>
public String getDisplayName()
in class hudson.model.Descriptor<hudson.tasks.Builder>
public boolean configure(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, net.sf.json.JSONObject formData) throws hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException
in class hudson.model.Descriptor<hudson.tasks.Builder>
public hudson.util.ListBoxModel doFillImageItems(@QueryParameter String ipaddress)
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