Class Component

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AboutBrowser, AboutJenkins, AboutUser, AdministrativeMonitors, BuildQueue, ConfigFileComponent, CustomLogs, EnvironmentVariables, FileDescriptorLimit, FileListCapComponent, GCLogs, HeapUsageHistogram, ItemsContent, JenkinsLogs, LoadStats, LoggerManager, Metrics, NetworkInterfaces, NodeMonitors, ObjectComponent, OtherConfigFilesComponent, OtherLogs, RemotingDiagnostics, ReverseProxy, RootCAs, RunningBuilds, SlaveCommandStatistics, SlaveLogs, SystemProperties, TaskLogs, UnfilteredFileListCapComponent, UpdateCenter

@ExportedBean public abstract class Component extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Represents a component of a support bundle.

This is the unit of user consent; when creating a support bundle, the user would enable/disable individual components.

Stephen Connolly
  • Constructor Details

    • Component

      public Component()
  • Method Details

    • getRequiredPermissions

      @NonNull public abstract Set<Permission> getRequiredPermissions()
      Returns the (possibly empty, never null) list of permissions that are required for the user to include this in a bundle. An empty list indicates that any user can include this bundle.
      the (possibly empty, never null) list of permissions that are required for the user to include this in a bundle.
    • getDisplayPermissions

      public String getDisplayPermissions()
    • isEnabled

      @Exported public boolean isEnabled()
      Returns true if the current authentication can include this component in a bundle.
      true if the current authentication can include this component in a bundle.
    • isSelectedByDefault

      @Exported public boolean isSelectedByDefault()
    • canBeGeneratedAsync

      public boolean canBeGeneratedAsync()
      This method will indicate if the component can be generated asynchronously. This is useful for components that need request context info that only be available in a request thread. By default, it will return true.
    • isApplicable

      public <C extends AbstractModelObject> boolean isApplicable(Class<C> clazz)
      Return if this component is applicable to a specific class of item.
      Type Parameters:
      C - Object that extends AbstractModelObject
      clazz - the class
      true if applicable to this class
    • getDisplayName

      @NonNull @Exported public abstract String getDisplayName()
    • addContents

      public abstract void addContents(@NonNull Container container)
      Add contents to a container
      container - a Container
    • getId

      @Exported @NonNull public String getId()
      Returns the component id.
      by default, the Class.getSimpleName() of the component implementation.
    • start

      @Deprecated public void start(@NonNull SupportContext context)
    • getCategory

      @Exported @NonNull public Component.ComponentCategory getCategory()
      Specify in which Component.ComponentCategory the current component is related.
      An enum value of Component.ComponentCategory.
    • supersedes

      public boolean supersedes(Component component)
      Returns true if a component is superseded by this component. useful if we write a component that makes another one obsolete.