Uses of Class

Packages that use SlaveSquatter

Uses of SlaveSquatter in hudson.plugins.slave_squatter

Methods in hudson.plugins.slave_squatter that return types with arguments of type SlaveSquatter
static hudson.DescriptorExtensionList<SlaveSquatter,SlaveSquatterDescriptor> SlaveSquatterDescriptor.all()
          All registered descriptors.
 hudson.util.DescribableList<SlaveSquatter,SlaveSquatterDescriptor> NodePropertyImpl.getSquatters()

Constructor parameters in hudson.plugins.slave_squatter with type arguments of type SlaveSquatter
NodePropertyImpl(List<? extends SlaveSquatter> squatters)

Uses of SlaveSquatter in hudson.plugins.slave_squatter.squatters

Subclasses of SlaveSquatter in hudson.plugins.slave_squatter.squatters
 class CronSquatter
          Reserves a slave with a cron-like syntax that specifies the start of the reservation, duration, and the size of the reservation.

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