"\nFor more info check \'Maximum Authentication Lifetime\' at https://github.com/jenkinsci/saml-plugin/blob/master/doc/CONFIGURE.md#configuring-plugin-settings"
"\nIf you have issues check the troubleshoting guide at https://github.com/jenkinsci/saml-plugin/blob/master/doc/TROUBLESHOOTING.md"
public static final int
"the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found"
"Any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded"
"The IdP Metadata can not be empty."
"The specified protParam were insufficient or invalid"
"The url is malformed."
"No Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type."
"Not key found"
"It is not possible to read the keystore file."
"The field should be a number greater than 0 and lower than 2147483647."
"The field should have a value different than spaces"
"The entry is a PrivateKeyEntry or SecretKeyEntry and the specified protParam does not contain the information needed to recover the key (e.g. wrong password)"
"Was not possible to get the Metadata from the URL "
"Keystore is not set"
"Key alias is not set"
"Key password is not set"
"Keystore password is not set"
"It is recommended to set the email attribute."
"It is recommended to set the groups attribute."
"It is recommended to set the username attribute."
"There is not keyStore to validate"