Klasse PrismConfiguration

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<GlobalConfiguration>, Saveable, OnMaster

@Extension @Symbol("prism") public class PrismConfiguration extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.GlobalConfigurationItem
Global system configuration for Prism. These configuration options are used globally for all jobs and require administrator permissions.

The following settings can be configured:

  • Allowed source code directories: some plugins copy source code files to Jenkins' build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user interface together with build results (coverage, warnings, etc.). If these files are not part of the workspace of a build then Jenkins will not show them by default: otherwise sensitive files could be shown by accident. You can provide a list of additional source code directories that are allowed to be shown in Jenkins user interface here. Note, that such a directory must be an absolute path on the agent that executes the build.
Ullrich Hafner
  • Konstruktordetails

    • PrismConfiguration

      public PrismConfiguration()
      Creates the global configuration of source code directories and loads the initial values from the corresponding XML file.
  • Methodendetails

    • getCategory

      @NonNull public GlobalConfigurationCategory getCategory()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getCategory in Klasse Descriptor<GlobalConfiguration>
    • clearRepeatableProperties

      protected void clearRepeatableProperties()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      clearRepeatableProperties in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.util.GlobalConfigurationItem
    • getInstance

      public static PrismConfiguration getInstance()
      Returns the singleton instance of this PrismConfiguration.
      Gibt zurück:
      the singleton instance
    • getSourceDirectories

      public List<PermittedSourceCodeDirectory> getSourceDirectories()
      Returns the list of allowed source code directories.
      Gibt zurück:
      the source root folders
    • setSourceDirectories

      @DataBoundSetter public void setSourceDirectories(List<PermittedSourceCodeDirectory> sourceDirectories)
      Sets the list of source directories to the specified elements. Previously set directories will be removed.
      sourceDirectories - the source directories that contain the affected files
    • getTheme

      @Deprecated public PrismTheme getTheme()
      For maintaining compatibility after the move to PrismAppearanceConfiguration.
      Gibt zurück:
      a model with the currently selected theme
    • isAllowedSourceDirectory

      public boolean isAllowedSourceDirectory(String sourceDirectory)
      Returns whether the specified director is registered as permitted source code directory.
      sourceDirectory - the source directory to check
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the specified director is registered, false otherwise