Class GitHubHookRegisterProblemMonitor

    • Constructor Detail

      • GitHubHookRegisterProblemMonitor

        public GitHubHookRegisterProblemMonitor()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveProblem

        public void resolveProblem​(GitHubRepositoryName repo)
        Removes repo from known problems map
        repo - full named GitHub repo, if null nothing will be done
      • isProblemWith

        public boolean isProblemWith​(GitHubRepositoryName repo)
        Checks that repo is registered in this monitor
        repo - full named GitHub repo
        true if repo is in the map
      • doAct

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doAct​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                               throws IOException
        Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send them to the right place.
      • doIgnore

        public void doIgnore​(@NonNull @GHRepoName
                             GitHubRepositoryName repo)
        This web method requires POST, admin rights and nonnull repo. Responds with redirect to monitor page
        repo - to be ignored. Never null
      • doDisignore

        public void doDisignore​(@NonNull @GHRepoName
                                GitHubRepositoryName repo)
        This web method requires POST, admin rights and nonnull repo. Responds with redirect to monitor page
        repo - to be disignored. Never null
      • save

        public void save()
        Save the settings to a file. Called on each change of ignored list
        Specified by:
        save in interface Saveable