Class BuildChooser

    • Field Detail

      • gitSCM

        public transient GitSCM gitSCM
        Refers back to the GitSCM that owns this build chooser. Do not modify from outside GitSCM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildChooser

        public BuildChooser()
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        public final String getDisplayName()
        Short-hand to get to the display name.
        display name of this build chooser
      • getCandidateRevisions

        public Collection<hudson.plugins.git.Revision> getCandidateRevisions​(boolean isPollCall,
                                                                             String singleBranch,
                                                                             org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git,
                                                                             TaskListener listener,
                                                                             BuildData buildData,
                                                                             BuildChooserContext context)
                                                                      throws hudson.plugins.git.GitException,
        Get a list of revisions that are candidates to be built.

        This method is invoked on the node where the workspace exists, which may not be the controller.

        isPollCall - true if this method is called from pollChanges.
        singleBranch - contains the name of a single branch to be built this will be non-null only in the simple case, in advanced cases with multiple repositories and/or branches specified then this value will be null.
        git - Used for invoking Git
        listener - build log
        buildData - build data to be used Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        context - Object that provides access back to the model object. This is because the build chooser can be invoked on an agent where there's no direct access to the build/project for which this is invoked. If isPollCall is false, then call back to both project and build are available. If isPollCall is true, then only the callback to the project is available as there's no contextual build object.
        the candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothing to build.
        IOException - on input or output error
        hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
        InterruptedException - when interrupted
      • getCandidateRevisions

        public Collection<hudson.plugins.git.Revision> getCandidateRevisions​(boolean isPollCall,
                                                                             String singleBranch,
                                                                             hudson.plugins.git.IGitAPI git,
                                                                             TaskListener listener,
                                                                             BuildData buildData,
                                                                             BuildChooserContext context)
                                                                      throws hudson.plugins.git.GitException,
        isPollCall - true if this method is called from pollChanges.
        singleBranch - contains the name of a single branch to be built this will be non-null only in the simple case, in advanced cases with multiple repositories and/or branches specified then this value will be null.
        git - Used for invoking Git
        listener - build log
        buildData - Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        context - Object that provides access back to the model object. This is because the build chooser can be invoked on an agent where there's no direct access to the build/project for which this is invoked. If isPollCall is false, then call back to both project and build are available. If isPollCall is true, then only the callback to the project is available as there's no contextual build object.
        the candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothing to build.
        IOException - on input or output error
        hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
        InterruptedException - when interrupted
      • getCandidateRevisions

        public Collection<hudson.plugins.git.Revision> getCandidateRevisions​(boolean isPollCall,
                                                                             String singleBranch,
                                                                             hudson.plugins.git.IGitAPI git,
                                                                             TaskListener listener,
                                                                             BuildData buildData)
                                                                      throws hudson.plugins.git.GitException,
        isPollCall - true if this method is called from pollChanges.
        singleBranch - contains the name of a single branch to be built this will be non-null only in the simple case, in advanced cases with multiple repositories and/or branches specified then this value will be null.
        git - GitClient used to access repository
        listener - build log
        buildData - build data to be used Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        the candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothing to build.
        IOException - on input or output error
        hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
      • prevBuildForChangelog

        public Build prevBuildForChangelog​(String branch,
                                           BuildData buildData,
                                           hudson.plugins.git.IGitAPI git)
        branch - contains the name of branch to be built this will be non-null only in the simple case, in advanced cases with multiple repositories and/or branches specified then this value will be null.
        buildData - build data to be used Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        git - Used for invoking Git
        the candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothi
      • prevBuildForChangelog

        public Build prevBuildForChangelog​(String branch,
                                           BuildData data,
                                           org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git,
                                           BuildChooserContext context)
                                    throws IOException,
        Determines the baseline to compute the changelog against.

        getCandidateRevisions(boolean, String, hudson.plugins.git.IGitAPI, TaskListener, BuildData, BuildChooserContext) determine what commits can be subject for a build, and for each commit it determines the branches that contribute to them.

        Once GitSCM picks up a specific Revision to build, for each branch, in that revision, this method is called to compute the changelog.

        branch - The branch name.
        data - Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        git - Used for invoking Git
        context - Object that provides access back to the model object. This is because the build chooser can be invoked on an agent where there's no direct access to the build/project for which this is invoked.
        candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothing to build.
        IOException - on input or output error
        InterruptedException - when interrupted
      • prevBuildForChangelog

        public Build prevBuildForChangelog​(String branch,
                                           BuildData data,
                                           hudson.plugins.git.IGitAPI git,
                                           BuildChooserContext context)
                                    throws IOException,
        branch - contains the name of a branch to be built this will be non-null only in the simple case, in advanced cases with multiple repositories and/or branches specified then this value will be null.
        data - Information that captures what we did during the last build.
        git - Used for invoking Git
        context - Object that provides access back to the model object. This is because the build chooser can be invoked on an agent where there's no direct access to the build/project for which this is invoked. If isPollCall is false, then call back to both project and build are available. If isPollCall is true, then only the callback to the project is available as there's no contextual build object.
        the candidate revision. Can be an empty set to indicate that there's nothing to build.
        IOException - on I/O error
        hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
        InterruptedException - if interrupted
      • allApplicableTo

        public static List<BuildChooserDescriptor> allApplicableTo​(Item item)
        All the registered build choosers that are applicable to the specified item.
        item - the item.
        All build choosers applicable to item