Class SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy<T extends HostKeyVerifierFactory>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy<T>>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AcceptFirstConnectionStrategy, KnownHostsFileVerificationStrategy, ManuallyProvidedKeyVerificationStrategy, NoHostKeyVerificationStrategy

public abstract class SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy<T extends HostKeyVerifierFactory> extends AbstractDescribableImpl<SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy<T>> implements ExtensionPoint
Secure shell host key verification strategy extension point for SSH connections from the git client plugin. Secure shell (ssh) host key verification protects an SSH client from a man in the middle attack.

Host key verifications strategies allow the Jenkins administrator to choose the level of host key verification that will be performed.

Host key verification strategies include:

Accept first connection
Remembers the first host key encountered for each git server and requires that the same host key must be used for later access. This is usually the most convenient setting for administrators while still providing ssh host key verification
Known hosts file
Uses the existing 'known_hosts' file on the controller and on the agent. This assumes the administrator has already configured this file on the controller and on all agents
Manually provided keys
Provides a form field where the administrator inserts the host keys for the git repository servers. This works well when a small set of repository servers meet the needs of most users
No verification
Disables all verification of ssh host keys. Not recommended because it provides no protection from "man-in-the-middle" attacks
Configure the host key verification strategy from "Manage Jenkins" / "Security" / "Git Host Key Verification Configuration". More details are available in the plugin documentation.