Class AuthenticatedZipExtractionInstaller

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<ToolInstaller>

    public class AuthenticatedZipExtractionInstaller
    extends ToolInstaller
    A ToolInstaller that downloads a zip or tar.gz and unpacks it in order to install a tool. If the tool is already present, it will only be re-downloaded/re-unpacked if the URL is newer than the existing content. The download supports HTTP basic authentication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticatedZipExtractionInstaller

        public AuthenticatedZipExtractionInstaller​(String label)
        Constructor that sets mandatory fields.
        label - The ToolInstaller.getLabel().
    • Method Detail

      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        URL of a zip/tar.gz file which should be downloaded and unpacked if the tool is missing or out of date.
        URL, or null if none has been set.
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(@Nullable
                           String url)
        Sets getUrl().
        url - New value.
      • getCredentialsId

        public String getCredentialsId()
        ID of the credentials to use when doing the download.
        The credentials ID, or null if none has been set.
      • setCredentialsId

        public void setCredentialsId​(@Nullable
                                     String credentialsId)
        credentialsId - New value.
      • getSubdir

        public String getSubdir()
        Subdirectory within the zip/tar.gz where the tool's binaries are located. It is this folder that's added to the path (etc). Can be null/empty if the binaries are at the base of the zip/tar.gz.
        The subdirectory, or null if no subdirectory has been set.
      • setSubdir

        public void setSubdir​(@Nullable
                              String subdir)
        subdir - New value.
      • isFallbackToExistingInstallation

        public boolean isFallbackToExistingInstallation()
      • setFallbackToExistingInstallation

        public void setFallbackToExistingInstallation​(boolean fallbackToExistingInstallation)