Class UISample

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Action, Describable<UISample>, ModelObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
AppBar, Banner, Buttons, Cards, Checkboxes, Colors, Dialogs, File, Inputs, JavaScriptProxy, Layouts, Links, Menu, Notifications, Progress, Radios, RepeatableList, Select, Spacing, Stylesheets, Symbols, Table, ToggleSwitch, Tooltips, Validation

public abstract class UISample extends Object implements ExtensionPoint, Action, Describable<UISample>
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • UISample

      public UISample()
  • Method Details

    • getUrlName

      public String getUrlName()
      Gets the URL-friendly name of the UI sample. Converts the display name to lowercase and replaces spaces with dashes.
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface Action
      a URL-friendly string representation of the display name.
    • getDisplayName

      @NonNull public String getDisplayName()
      Gets the default display name for the UI sample. This is typically the simple class name of the implementing class.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Action
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
      the display name.
    • getCategory

      public Category getCategory()
      Retrieves the category of this UI sample. Defaults to Category.COMPONENT.
      the category of the UI sample.
    • getDescription

      public abstract String getDescription()
      Provides a description for the UI sample. The description is displayed at the top of every UI page for the sample.
      the description of the UI sample.
    • getSince

      public String getSince()
      Gets the version of Jenkins where this UI sample was introduced. By default, returns null if version information is irrelevant.
      the version as a string, or null if irrelevant.
    • getDescriptor

      public UISampleDescriptor getDescriptor()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptor in interface Describable<UISample>
    • getPrismConfiguration

      @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public io.jenkins.plugins.prism.PrismConfiguration getPrismConfiguration()
    • getAll

      public static List<UISample> getAll()
    • getGrouped

      public static Map<Category,List<UISample>> getGrouped()
    • getPreviousPage

      public UISample getPreviousPage()
    • getNextPage

      public UISample getNextPage()