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AbstractFormat - Class in com.bluersw.analyze
分析文件内容抽象类 Analysis file content abstract class
AbstractFormat(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
构造函数 Constructor
AbstractFormat(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
构造函数 Constructor
add(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
添加一个复选框 Add a checkbox


CheckboxList - Class in com.bluersw.model
复选框列表JSON对象 Checkbox list JSON object
CheckboxList() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
CheckboxList.CheckboxModel - Class in com.bluersw.model
复选框数据模型定义 Checkbox data model definition
CheckboxModel(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList.CheckboxModel
CheckboxParameterDefinition - Class in com.bluersw
自定义复选框构建参数定义类 Custom check box construction parameter definition class
CheckboxParameterDefinition(String, String, Protocol, Format, String, String, String, JSONObject, String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in com.bluersw
CheckboxParameterDefinition_CreateCheckboxFailed() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.CreateCheckboxFailed: Failed to create checkbox.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_DisplayName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.DisplayName: Custom Checkbox Parameter.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_DisplayNodePath_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.DisplayNodePath.IsBlank: The node path used for checkbox display content cannot be empty.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_GetFileFailed() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.GetFileFailed: Failed to get file.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_Name_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.Name.IsBlank: Parameter name cannot be empty.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_TlsVersion_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.TlsVersion.IsBlank: The TLS version used for HTTPS links cannot be empty, can be set to TLSv1.2.
CheckboxParameterDefinition_ValueNodePath_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.ValueNodePath.IsBlank: The node path used for the content of the checkbox value cannot be empty.
CheckboxParameterRebuild - Class in com.bluersw
CheckboxParameterRebuild() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterRebuild
CheckboxParameterValue - Class in com.bluersw
用户勾选复选框的值,用","分割的字符串 The user selects the value of the check box, and the string separated by ","
CheckboxParameterValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterValue
checked - Variable in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList.CheckboxModel
com.bluersw - package com.bluersw
com.bluersw.analyze - package com.bluersw.analyze
com.bluersw.model - package com.bluersw.model
com.bluersw.source - package com.bluersw.source
compareTo(CheckboxParameterDefinition) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
Configuration - Interface in com.bluersw.analyze
文档内容操作接口 Document content operation interface
ConfigurationFactory - Class in com.bluersw.analyze
文件内容操作对象工厂 File content operation object factory
ConfigurationFactory() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.ConfigurationFactory
content - Variable in class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
createConfiguration(Format, String) - Static method in class com.bluersw.analyze.ConfigurationFactory
根据文档类型和内容创建文件内容操作对象 Create file content operation object according to document type and content
createConfiguration(Format, InputStream) - Static method in class com.bluersw.analyze.ConfigurationFactory
根据文档类型和流对象创建文件内容操作对象 Create file content operation objects based on document types and stream objects
createDataSource(Protocol, String) - Static method in class com.bluersw.source.DataSourceFactory
创建数据源对象 Create a data source object
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
根据用户勾选的复选框创建构建参数返回值 Create the return value of the build parameter according to the check box checked by the user
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition


data - Variable in class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
DataSource - Interface in com.bluersw.source
数据源接口 Data source interface
DataSourceFactory - Class in com.bluersw.source
数据源对象工厂类 Data source object factory class
DataSourceFactory() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.source.DataSourceFactory
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doCheckDisplayNodePath(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doCheckName(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doCheckTlsVersion(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doCheckValueNodePath(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doFillCheckboxItems(Job, String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl


EmptyFormat - Class in com.bluersw.analyze
如果URI和用户输入内容都是空的情况下创建空文档对象 Create empty document object if both URI and user input are empty
EmptyFormat(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.EmptyFormat
EmptyFormat(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.EmptyFormat


FileRead - Class in com.bluersw.source
文件读取类 File reading class
FileRead(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.source.FileRead
构建函数 Constructor
Format - Enum in com.bluersw.analyze
文档类型定义 Document type definition


generateResponse(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, Object) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
get() - Method in interface com.bluersw.source.DataSource
获取数据 retrieve data
get() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.FileRead
get() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.HttpRequest
获得GET请求的响应结果 Get the response result of GET request
getCheckboxList() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
根据文件内容创建复选框列表 Create checkbox list based on file content
getContent() - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
方法返回的数据 The data returned by the method
getDefaultParameterValue() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayNodePath() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getDivId() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getFormat() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getMessage() - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
方法关于执行结果的说明 Description of the method's execution results
getProtocol() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getRebuildPage(ParameterValue) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterRebuild
getStatusCode() - Method in interface com.bluersw.source.DataSource
获取执行结果状态码 Get execution result status code
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.FileRead
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.HttpRequest
获得请求结果HTTP状态码 Get request result HTTP status code
getStatusLine() - Method in interface com.bluersw.source.DataSource
获取执行结果状态的字符串说明 Get string description of execution result status
getStatusLine() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.FileRead
getStatusLine() - Method in class com.bluersw.source.HttpRequest
获得请求结果HTTP状态的字符串说明 Get the string description of the HTTP status of the request result
getSubmitContent() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getUri() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getUseInput() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
getValueListBySearch(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
实现Configuration接口,通过搜索命令检索索引中的数据并返回结果列表 Implement the Configuration interface, retrieve the data in the index through the search command and return the result list
getValueListBySearch(String) - Method in interface com.bluersw.analyze.Configuration
根据搜索命令对文件进行搜索并返回结果列表 Search the file according to the search command and return a list of results
getValueNodePath() - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition


HttpRequest - Class in com.bluersw.source
通过HTTP和HTTPS协议获得响应结果 Get response results through HTTP and HTTPS protocols
HttpRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.source.HttpRequest
通过要请求的URI构建请求对象 Construct the request object by the URI to be requested


index - Variable in class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
isSucceed() - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
方法操作的结果是否成功 Whether the result of the method operation is successful


JsonFormat - Class in com.bluersw.analyze
解析JSON格式文档 Parsing JSON format documents
JsonFormat(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.JsonFormat
构造函数 Constructor
JsonFormat(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.JsonFormat
构造函数 Constructor


list - Variable in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
loadData() - Method in class com.bluersw.analyze.AbstractFormat
加载文件中的数据,并转化LinkedHashMap结构 Load the data in the file and convert LinkedHashMap structure
loadData() - Method in class com.bluersw.analyze.EmptyFormat
loadData() - Method in class com.bluersw.analyze.JsonFormat
加载JSON内容并结构化为LinkedHashMap Load JSON content and structure it as LinkedHashMap
loadData() - Method in class com.bluersw.analyze.YamlFormat
加载YAML内容并结构化为LinkedHashMap Load YAML content and structure it as LinkedHashMap


message - Variable in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
Messages - Class in com.bluersw
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.Messages


name - Variable in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList.CheckboxModel
newInstance(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl


Protocol - Enum in com.bluersw.source
数据源协议枚举 Data source protocol enumeration


Result<T> - Class in com.bluersw.model
方法通用返回数据类型 Method common return data type
Result() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.model.Result


setContent(T) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setDisplayNodePath(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setFormat(Format) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList
客户端显示的信息 Information displayed by the client
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
setProtocol(Protocol) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setSubmitContent(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setSucceed(boolean) - Method in class com.bluersw.model.Result
setUri(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setUseInput(boolean) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition
setValueNodePath(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.CheckboxParameterDefinition


value - Variable in class com.bluersw.model.CheckboxList.CheckboxModel
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bluersw.analyze.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bluersw.source.Protocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.bluersw.analyze.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bluersw.source.Protocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


YamlFormat - Class in com.bluersw.analyze
解析YAML格式的内容 Parse content in YAML format
YamlFormat(String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.YamlFormat
构造函数 Constructor
YamlFormat(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.analyze.YamlFormat
构造函数 Constructor


_CheckboxParameterDefinition_CreateCheckboxFailed() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.CreateCheckboxFailed: Failed to create checkbox.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_DisplayName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.DisplayName: Custom Checkbox Parameter.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_DisplayNodePath_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.DisplayNodePath.IsBlank: The node path used for checkbox display content cannot be empty.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_GetFileFailed() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.GetFileFailed: Failed to get file.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_Name_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.Name.IsBlank: Parameter name cannot be empty.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_TlsVersion_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.TlsVersion.IsBlank: The TLS version used for HTTPS links cannot be empty, can be set to TLSv1.2.
_CheckboxParameterDefinition_ValueNodePath_IsBlank() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key CheckboxParameterDefinition.ValueNodePath.IsBlank: The node path used for the content of the checkbox value cannot be empty.
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