Class ConfigProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Saveable, Loadable, OnMaster
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ConfigProvider extends Descriptor<Config> implements ExtensionPoint
A ConfigProvider represents a configuration file (such as Maven's settings.xml) where the user can choose its actual content among several concrete contents that are pre-configured.

ConfigProvider is an extension point, and should be implemented and instantiated by each kind of configuration. This abstraction doesn't define where the configuration is placed, or how/when it's used — those semantics should be introduced by a specific instance of ConfigProvider.

Dominik Bartholdi (imod)
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigProvider

      public ConfigProvider()
  • Method Details

    • all

      public static ExtensionList<ConfigProvider> all()
      All registered ConfigProviders.
    • getByIdOrNull

      @CheckForNull public static ConfigProvider getByIdOrNull(@Nullable String providerId)
      Lookup a ConfigProvider by its id.
      providerId - id of the desired ConfigProvider
      the ConfigProvider or null if not found
    • getContentType

      public abstract ContentType getContentType()
      The content type of the configs this provider manages. e.g. can be used to display the content in the UI (editor).
      the type. null if no specific formatting should be supported.
    • getProviderId

      public abstract String getProviderId()
      An ID uniquely identifying this provider, the id of each Config must start with this ID separated by a '.'!
      the unique id for this provider.
    • newConfig

      @Deprecated public Config newConfig()
      Returns a new Config object with a unique id, starting with the id of this provider - separated by '.'. e.g. "MyCustomProvider.123456". This object is also used initialize the user interface.
      the new config object, ready for editing.
    • newConfig

      @NonNull public Config newConfig(@NonNull String id)
      Returns a new Config object.
      id - desired id
      the created configuration
    • newConfig

      public Config newConfig(@NonNull String id, String name, String comment, String content)
    • clearOldDataStorage

      public abstract void clearOldDataStorage()
    • supportsFolder

      public boolean supportsFolder()
      Tells whether this provider is able to handle configuration files stored on folder level too, or if it only supports global configuration files. This flag will tell the web UI whether a file can be created on a folder. Defaults to true, overwrite if your configfiles are not support on folders.
      true if the provider supports configfiles stored on folder levels too.
      See Also:
    • getAllConfigs

      @Deprecated public Collection<Config> getAllConfigs()
      This will only return configurations on top/global scope
    • getConfigById

      @Deprecated public Config getConfigById(String configId)
    • configExists

      @Deprecated public boolean configExists(String configId)
    • remove

      @Deprecated public void remove(String configId)
      Use @{code GlobalConfigFiles.get().remove(String)} instead.
    • save

      @Deprecated public void save(Config config)
      Use GlobalConfigFiles.get().save(Config) instead.
    • supplyContent

      @CheckForNull public String supplyContent(@NonNull Config configFile, Run<?,?> build, FilePath workDir, TaskListener listener, @NonNull List<String> tempFiles) throws IOException
      Provide the given content file. Implementation Note:If this is overridden in a sub class and credentials are injected into the content - then the implementation must also override getSensitiveContentForMasking(Config, Run) to avoid accidental disclosure.
      configFile - the file content to be provided
      workDir - target workspace directory
      listener - the listener
      tempFiles - temp files created by this method, these files will be deleted by the caller
      file content
      IOException - in case an exception occurs when providing the content or other needed files
      See Also:
    • getSensitiveContentForMasking

      @NonNull public List<String> getSensitiveContentForMasking(Config configFile, Run<?,?> build)
      Obtain a list of sensitive Strings to mask for the given provider and build. For example if a UsernamePasswordCredentials is being injected into a file then the password (and possibly the username) from the resolved credential would need to be masked and should be returned here.
      configFile - the file content to provide sensitive strings for.
      build - the build for which the configFile applies.
      List of Strings that need to be masked in the console.