Uses of Class
Uses of CollabNetApp in com.collabnet.ce.webservices
Fields in com.collabnet.ce.webservices declared as CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Field Description protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
protected CollabNetApp
CTFObject. app
Methods in com.collabnet.ce.webservices that return CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description static CollabNetApp
CollabNetApp. fromStapler(boolean connectionFactory, String url, String username, String password)
A databinding method from Stapler.Constructors in com.collabnet.ce.webservices with parameters of type CollabNetApp Constructor Description CTFFile(CollabNetApp app, String id)
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet that return CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description CollabNetApp
AbstractTeamForgeNotifier. connect()
Connects to the TeamForge.Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
AbstractTeamForgeNotifier.DescriptorImpl. doCheckProject(CollabNetApp app, String value)
Form validation for the project field.ComboBoxModel
AbstractTeamForgeNotifier.DescriptorImpl. doFillProjectItems(CollabNetApp cna)
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.auth
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.auth that return CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description CollabNetApp
CNAuthentication. getCredentials()
static CollabNetApp
CNConnection. getInstance()
Gets an instance with the current authentication, or null if the auth is the wrong type.static CollabNetApp
CNConnection. getInstance(Authentication a)
Wraps the private constructor. -
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.browser
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.browser with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
TeamForge.DescriptorImpl. doCheckProject(CollabNetApp app, String value)
Form validation for the project field.ComboBoxModel
TeamForge.DescriptorImpl. doFillProjectItems(CollabNetApp cna)
Gets a list of projects to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data.ComboBoxModel
TeamForge.DescriptorImpl. doFillRepoItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
Gets a list of repos to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data. -
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.documentuploader
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.documentuploader with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
CNDocumentUploader.DescriptorImpl. doCheckUploadPath(CollabNetApp app, String project, String value)
Form validation for upload path. -
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.filerelease
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.filerelease with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
CNFileRelease.DescriptorImpl. doCheckPkg(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String pkg)
Form validation for package.FormValidation
CNFileRelease.DescriptorImpl. doCheckRelease(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String pkg, String release)
Form validation for release.ComboBoxModel
CNFileRelease.DescriptorImpl. doFillPkgItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
Gets a list of packages to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data.ComboBoxModel
CNFileRelease.DescriptorImpl. doFillReleaseItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String _package)
Gets a list of releases to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data. -
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.tracker
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.tracker with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doCheckAssignUser(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String assignUser)
Form validation for "assign issue to".FormValidation
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doCheckRelease(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage, String release)
Form validation for the release field.FormValidation
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doCheckTracker(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String tracker)
Form validation for the tracker field.ComboBoxModel
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doFillAssignUserItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
Gets a list of projectUsers to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data.ComboBoxModel
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doFillReleaseItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String _package)
Gets a list of releases to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data.ComboBoxModel
CNTracker.DescriptorImpl. doFillTrackerItems(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
Gets a list of trackers to choose from and write them as a JSON string into the response data. -
Uses of CollabNetApp in hudson.plugins.collabnet.util
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.util that return CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description static CollabNetApp
CNHudsonUtil. getCollabNetApp(String url, String username, String password)
static CollabNetApp
CNHudsonUtil. getCollabNetApp(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest request)
Get a CollabNetApp, given a StaplerRequest with url, username, and password set.static CollabNetApp
CNHudsonUtil. recreateCollabNetApp(String url, String username, String sessionId)
Methods in hudson.plugins.collabnet.util with parameters of type CollabNetApp Modifier and Type Method Description static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. assignCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String assign)
Class for checking if a user can be assigned a tracker artifact.static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. documentPathCheck(CollabNetApp app, String project, String path)
Class to check that the path to a document exists.static ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxUpdater. getPackages(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
Obtains the list of packages in the given project.static ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxUpdater. getProjectList(CollabNetApp cna)
static ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxUpdater. getReleases(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage)
static ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxUpdater. getRepos(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
static String
CNHudsonUtil. getScmViewerUrl(CollabNetApp cna, String collabnetUrl, String projectName, String repoName)
static String
CNHudsonUtil. getSystemId(CollabNetApp cna, String projectName, String repoName)
static ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxUpdater. getUsers(CollabNetApp cna, String project)
static boolean
CNHudsonUtil. isUserValid(CollabNetApp cna, String username)
static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. loginCheck(CollabNetApp app, String password)
Class for checking that a login to CollabNet is valid.static void
CNHudsonUtil. logoff(CollabNetApp cna)
Logs off the CollabNetApp, if possible.static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. packageCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage)
Class to check that a package exists.static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. projectCheck(CollabNetApp app, String project)
Checks if a project name is valid, by using the given connection.static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. releaseCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage, String release, boolean required)
Class to check that a release exists.static FormValidation
CNFormFieldValidator. trackerCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String tracker)
Class to check that a tracker exists.