Class ClifPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<GlobalConfiguration>, Saveable, OnMaster

    public class ClifPlugin
    extends GlobalConfiguration
    Global configuration parameters for the Clif plugin. As of today, there is a single parameter: clifRootDir. It specifies the folder where to unzip imported CLIF project archives. Such imported archives will possibly result is having multiple jobs (one per imported test plan) sharing a single workspace containing all files extracted from one CLIF project archive. Each imported archive gets its own sub-folder created in the configured root folder. This sub-folder is named according to the CLIF project folder's name in the archive.
    Julien Coste, Bruno Dillenseger
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClifPlugin

        public ClifPlugin()
        Just calls load()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static ClifPlugin get()
        Get the ClifPlugin singleton managing CLIF's global parameters
        the ClifPlugin singleton
      • getClifRootDir

        public String getClifRootDir()
        Gets current value of CLIF root directory where CLIF archives are unzipped.
        The configured Clif root directory.
      • setClifRootDir

        public void setClifRootDir​(String clifRootDir)
        Configures a new value for CLIF root directory where CLIF archives are unzipped.
        clifRootDir - the new root directory for imported CLIF projects. If blank, the new value is set to the default value "clif"
      • dir

        public File dir()
        Returns the File object representing the configured clif root directory in its absolute path form. When the configured root folder is a relative path, it is resolved from the Jenkins' installation root directory.
        A file object representing the configured Clif root parameter
      • doCheckClifRootDir

        public FormValidation doCheckClifRootDir​(@QueryParameter
                                                 String value)
        Validates a CLIF root folder. The folder is valid either if it exists, is actually a folder and is writable, or if the closest existing parent file in its absolute path is a writable folder. In other words, validation relies on the availability of the CLIF root folder or the ability to create it.
        value - the new value for CLIF root folder
        validation result (ok or error) with an explicit, localized message.