All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractChart AbstractClifAction Abstract class with functionality common to all Clif actions.AbstractMovingStat Abtract class to calculate moving statistics.ActionStatInfo Alarm Alarm that Clif generates during a testAlarm.Severity Blade CallChart Class used to generate and save a chart attach to a buildChartConfiguration This class holds all configuration parmaeters to genertae chartsChartId ClifAlias ClifBuildAction Action used for Clif report on build level.ClifBuilder Clif task builder, based on CommandInterpreter, and finally on BatchFile or Shell depending on the operating system.ClifBuilder.DescriptorImpl ClifDataCleanup ClifDataCleanup.DataCleanupDescriptor ClifGraphParam ClifInstallation Represents the Clif installation on the system.ClifInstallation.DescriptorImpl ClifJobListener Delete all reports measures attached to a deleted job if it's a Clif Job.ClifJobProperty ClifJobProperty.DescriptorImpl ClifParseException Exception used to show that Clif parsing has failed.ClifParser Class that parses ClifBuilder result directory to compute statistics.
Only the latest test execution is scanned to retrieve probe and injector data.ClifParserException Exception thrown by theClifParser
in case of errorClifPlugin Global configuration parameters for the Clif plugin.ClifProActiveConfig ClifProActiveConfig.ProActiveConfigDescriptor ClifProjectAction Action used for Clif report on project level.ClifPublisher The publisher creates the results we want from the Clif execution.ClifPublisher.DescriptorImpl ClifReport ClifResultConfig Configurer DoubleArraySorter This class contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as sorting and searching).FileSystem FixedSliceNumberDistributionChart Class used to generate and save a chart attach to a buildFixedSliceSizeDistributionChart Class used to generate and save a chart attach to a buildImportZipAction Injector Installations boilerplateJobs Measure Class that holds statistics for a measureMessages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.MovingAverageStat Calculate the moving average of time series data.MovingMaxStat Calculate the moving max of time series data.MovingMedianStat Calculate the moving median of time series data.MovingMinStat Calculate the moving min of time series data.MovingStatChart Class used to generate and save a chart attach to a buildMovingStdDevStat Calculate the moving stabdard deviation of time series data.MovingThroughputStat Calculate the moving throughput of time series data.ParameterParser ParsingContext PreviewZipAction Probe QuantileDistributionChart Quantile Distribution Chart.
This chart displays the percentage of requests whose response time is less than some thresholds.TestPlan Workspaces Workspace-related utility for jobs generated by the CLIF import feature.Zip