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All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbsoluteThreshold Absolute Threshold with [min, max] valuesAbsoluteThreshold.DescriptorImpl BenchmarkProjectAction Job action = icon on the left menuBenchmarkPublisher Benchmark post-build step/publisherBenchmarkPublisher.DescriptorImpl Descriptor forBenchmarkPublisher
.BenchmarkResultAction BooleanCondensed Holds the information for boolean condensed resultBooleanValue Holds the information for boolean test resultContentDetected Store general status that define the extend of the row headers in the Benchmark tablesDeltaAverageThreshold Delta value threshold compared to last buildDeltaAverageThreshold.DescriptorImpl DeltaThreshold Delta value threshold compared to last buildDeltaThreshold.DescriptorImpl DoubleCondensed Holds the information for double condensed resultDoubleValue Holds the information for double test resultFilePathGroup File address storage and processor for jUnitJenkins mapperFormatSelector Format selector based on selected informationFrontendMethod Very simple annotation to differentiate functions used by Jelly from the othersIntegerCondensed Holds the information for integer condensed resultIntegerValue Holds the information for integer test resultJUnitJenkins Parse the Jenkins Unit Test reportMapJsonFailures Map Failure JSON schema data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonGroup Map Group JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonParameter Map Parameter JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonParameterFull Map Full Parameter JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonResult Map Result JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonResultFull Map Full Result JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonThreshold Map Threshold JSON schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapJsonToPlugin Parser from JSON to the Jenkins plugin data constructMapperBase Base class for the mapper As-Is mapper to load the Jenkins plugin specific format As-Base mapper to load XML or JSON result formatMapXmlFailures Map Failure XML schema data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapXmlGroup Map Group XML schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapXmlParameter Map Parameter XML schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapXmlResult Map Parameter XML schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapXmlThreshold Map Parameter XML schema/content data to Jenkins plugin data constructMapXmlToPlugin Parser from XML to the Jenkins plugin data constructMessages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.MissingPropertyException Benchmark Plugin specific Missing Property exceptionNumeralValue Holds the information for numeral test resultPercentageAverageThreshold Percentage threshold compared to averagePercentageAverageThreshold.DescriptorImpl PercentageThreshold Percentage threshold compared to last buildPercentageThreshold.DescriptorImpl ResetMemoryTask Control Elapsed Clock that reset data loaded in the backendRunnableJenkinsReader Parallel runnable for Jenkins Test ReportRunnableReader Parallel runnableSchema Base class to define internally available resource schema(s)StringCondensed Holds the information for string condensed resultStringValue Holds the information for boolean test resultTestFailure Holds definition of failure for boolean testTestFailure.CompareType TestFailure.FailureType TestGroup Holds a group of test results or group of groupsTestGroup.ClassType TestProperty Gather associated property to test result.TestValue Holds the core information of a standard test resultTestValue.ValueType TextToHTML Threshold Threshold base class CAREFULL, this is connected to JELLYThreshold.ThresholdTypes ThresholdDescriptor Threshold descriptorValidationException Benchmark Plugin specific Validation exception