Package jenkins.util

Class DefaultScriptListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, ScriptListener

@Extension @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class DefaultScriptListener extends Object implements ScriptListener
Basic default implementation of ScriptListener that just logs.
  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      public static final Logger LOGGER
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultScriptListener

      public DefaultScriptListener()
  • Method Details

    • onScriptExecution

      public void onScriptExecution(String script, groovy.lang.Binding binding, @NonNull Object feature, Object context, @NonNull String correlationId, User user)
      Description copied from interface: ScriptListener
      Called just before scripts are executed. Examples include:
      • Groovy script console script execution
      • groovy CLI command
      • Start and end of a groovysh CLI command session, as well as individual commands submitted
      • Execution of scripts integrating with Script Security Plugin
      Specified by:
      onScriptExecution in interface ScriptListener
      script - The script to be executed or null if no script is available yet (e.g. a shell has just been opened).
      binding - The script binding, or null if unavailable/inapplicable.
      feature - The feature that triggered this event. Usually a fixed string or even a Class if that's unambiguously describing the feature (e.g., Object.getClass()).
      context - Object representing the script definition context (e.g. Run). Can be null if not applicable (e.g., CLI commands not acting on jobs/builds).
      correlationId - This value is used to correlate this script event to other, related script events. Callers are expected to provide values that allow receivers to associate script execution and output. Related events should have identical values.
      user - If available, the user who executed the script. Can be null.
    • onScriptOutput

      public void onScriptOutput(String output, @NonNull Object feature, Object context, @NonNull String correlationId, User user)
      Description copied from interface: ScriptListener
      Called when a script produces output. This can include error output.
      Specified by:
      onScriptOutput in interface ScriptListener
      output - The output of the script.
      feature - The feature that triggered this event. Usually a fixed string or even a Class if that's unambiguously describing the feature (e.g., Object.getClass()).
      context - Object representing the script definition context (e.g. Run). Can be null if not applicable (e.g., CLI commands not acting on jobs/builds).
      correlationId - This value is used to correlate this script event to other, related script events. Callers are expected to provide values that allow receivers to associate script execution and output. Related events should have identical values.
      user - If available, the user for which the output was created. Can be null.