Package jenkins.model

Class ProjectNamingStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<ProjectNamingStrategy>
Direct Known Subclasses:
ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy, ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy

public abstract class ProjectNamingStrategy extends Object implements Describable<ProjectNamingStrategy>, ExtensionPoint
This ExtensionPoint allows to enforce the name of projects/jobs.
Dominik Bartholdi (imod)
  • Field Details


      public static final ProjectNamingStrategy DEFAULT_NAMING_STRATEGY
      The default naming strategy which does not restrict the name of a job.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectNamingStrategy

      public ProjectNamingStrategy()
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      Description copied from interface: Describable
      Gets the descriptor for this instance.

      Descriptor is a singleton for every concrete Describable implementation, so if a.getClass() == b.getClass() then by default a.getDescriptor() == b.getDescriptor() as well. (In rare cases a single implementation class may be used for instances with distinct descriptors.)

      Specified by:
      getDescriptor in interface Describable<ProjectNamingStrategy>
    • all

    • checkName

      @Deprecated public void checkName(String name) throws Failure
      Called when creating a new job.
      name - the name given from the UI
      Failure - if the user has to be informed about an illegal name, forces the user to change the name before submitting. The message of the failure will be presented to the user.
    • checkName

      public void checkName(String parentName, String name) throws Failure
      Called when creating a new job.
      parentName - the full name of the parent ItemGroup
      name - the name given from the UI
      Failure - if the user has to be informed about an illegal name, forces the user to change the name before submitting. The message of the failure will be presented to the user.
    • isForceExistingJobs

      public boolean isForceExistingJobs()
      This flag can be used to force existing jobs to be migrated to a new naming strategy - if this method returns true, the naming will be enforced at every config change. If false is returned, only new jobs have to follow the strategy.
      true if existing jobs should be enforced to confirm to the naming standard.