Package jenkins.model

Class IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<IdStrategy>, Serializable, Comparator<String>
Enclosing class:

public static class IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive extends IdStrategy implements Serializable
The default case insensitive IdStrategy
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CaseInsensitive

      @DataBoundConstructor public CaseInsensitive()
  • Method Details

    • idFromFilename

      public String idFromFilename(@NonNull String filename)
      Description copied from class: IdStrategy
      Converts a filename into the corresponding id. This may contain filesystem unsafe characters.
      idFromFilename in class IdStrategy
      filename - the filename.
      the corresponding id.
    • keyFor

      @NonNull public String keyFor(@NonNull String id)
      Description copied from class: IdStrategy
      Converts an ID into a key for use in a Java Map or similar. This controls uniqueness of ids and how multiple different ids may map to the same id. For example, all different capitalizations of "Foo" may map to the same value "foo".
      keyFor in class IdStrategy
      id - the id.
      the key.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@NonNull String id1, @NonNull String id2)
      Description copied from class: IdStrategy
      Compare two IDs and return true IFF the two ids are the same. Normally we expect that this should be the same as, String) being equal to 0, however there may be a specific reason for going beyond that, such as sorting id's case insensitively while treating them as case sensitive. Subclasses may want to override this naïve implementation that calls compare(id1, id2) == 0 for a more performant implementation.
      equals in class IdStrategy
      id1 - the first id.
      id2 - the second id.
      true if and only if the two ids are the same.
    • compare

      public int compare(@NonNull String id1, @NonNull String id2)
      Description copied from class: IdStrategy
      Compare two IDs and return their sorting order. If IdStrategy.equals(String, String) is true then this must return 0 but, String) returning 0 need not imply that IdStrategy.equals(String, String) is true.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface Comparator<String>
      Specified by:
      compare in class IdStrategy
      id1 - the first id.
      id2 - the second id.
      the sorting order of the two IDs.